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Hell Freezes Over As Biden Admin FINALLY Admits They LIED About Vaccines In A Shameful Twitter Post

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Recently, Slow Joe’s team took to Twitter to post this beauty of a lie, one that the Dems sure would have wanted Big Tech to censor had it come from a Republican:

When President Biden took office, millions were unemployed and there was no vaccine available.

In the last 15 months, the economy has created 8.3M jobs and the unemployment rate stands at 3.6% — the fastest decline in unemployment to start a President’s term ever recorded.

Yeah, so that’s a total lie. In fact, it was enough of a lie that even CNN’s Jake Tapper ripped Team Biden for lying and pressed Dr. Fauci over it, saying:

It’s amazing this White House tweet is still up. As you know, that’s not true. There were vaccines available, they may not have been widely available, but it was available.

CNN fact checker Daniel Dale points out more than 3 million Americans had been fully vaccinated, more than 18 million had at least one shot by Inauguration Day. I think President Biden had two shots by then.

You’re the president’s chief medical advisor, why is the White House politicizing the pandemic by tweeting out that there was no vaccine available until Joe Biden became president? It’s not true.

Watch that here:

And, even more shockingly, that wasn’t all from CNN. It also fact-checked the claim in an article, saying:

It’s just not true that “there was no vaccine available” at the time Biden took office. About 3.5 million people were fully vaccinated against Covid-19 and about 19 million people had received at least one vaccine dose as of Biden’s inauguration day on January 20, 2021, according to statistics published by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The US was already administering an average of more than 1 million doses a day at the time. The first doses administered outside trials were given on December 14, 2020, while President Donald Trump was still in office. And Biden himself received his second dose nine days before he was sworn in.

Well, if you thought hell froze over when Team Biden was called out by CNN for lying about the jab, get ready to think it went into a deep freeze: the Biden Administration just admitted that it lied.

In fact, though the tweet on the subject didn’t use the word “lie”, the apology and correction tweet was shockingly forthright about the fact that the earlier tweet had been untrue. It said:

We previously misstated that vaccines were unavailable in January 2021. We should have said that they were not widely available.

Vaccines became available shortly before the President came into office. Since then, he’s responsible for fully vaccinating over 200 million people.

It makes sense that they’d have to correct themselves, as about 1 million Americans were getting the jab per day by the time Trump was out of office, which is significantly above “none”.

While not as many as the libs would have liked, that’s still a massive number, one that Biden couldn’t successfully pretend didn’t exist or otherwise weasel his way out of admitting.

Team Biden did not, however, apologize for or correct Biden’s October claim that he started the vaccine program, at which time he said  when I first started the vaccination program and we got all that vaccine, enough for everyone, we were vaccinating 3 million people a day, we were getting very close before things began to slow down.”

Still, any victory is a victory and we’ll take the correction and admission. Bygones aren’t bygones, but it’s fun to see them have to admit that they lied about the vaccine issue.

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2 years ago

There’s a good one. Go to Fauci for the truth?

2 years ago

ONLY Biden thinks he has done a good job.
iF Biden truly had done a good job WOULD his Approval number be less than 25%?
Biden iS the most HATED president in US HISTORY,

2 years ago

Love our Trump!