

Lindsey Graham EXPOSED As A FAKE: Leaked Audio Reveals Him Calling Biden ‘BEST PERSON TO HAVE’ As President In Jan 6 Interview [LISTEN]

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Private audio tapes have leaked in which Sen. Lindsey Graham praises Joe Biden as “the best person” to lead America as president while criticizing Donald Trump for his rhetoric.

While Graham pretended to be one of Trump’s biggest allies in the Senate, in reality he was praising far-left Democrats and suggesting that the country will come out “stronger” after the January 6 insurrection under the “unifying” presidency of Biden.

“How mad can you get at Joe Biden?” That’s what Lindsey Graham is heard saying in the leaked recording from January 6th. That’s what Lindsey Graham had to say while the country was facing some of the biggest upheavals in our history. That maybe when it comes right down to it, it’s best to have JOE FREAKING BIDEN at the helm.

He said that.

“Moments like this reset. It’ll take a while. People will calm down. People will say ‘I don’t want to be associated with that.’ This is a group within a group,” Graham says of January 6. “What this does, it’ll be a rallying effect for a while, where the country says, ‘We’re better than this.’”

And he was talking to a New York Times reporter!

“Biden will be better, right?” asked Jonathan Martin.

“Totally,” said Graham in complete agreement. “He’ll be maybe the best person to have, right? I mean, how mad can you get at Joe Biden?”

In separate audio he blasts President Trump very specifically and deliberately and sounding just like any Resistance idiot on CNN.

The establishment are an absolute disgrace.



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Janice E Prescott
Janice E Prescott
2 years ago

Done with you Linsay. I wondered about you for a long time. Turn in your Republican card and get the one you really love, Demonrat card. Done Done Done. 3

2 years ago

it’s time for graham to join up with mc cain

2 years ago

Lindsey Graham was always a never-Trumper. This story is not “breaking news”. Graham is a snake in the grass, and always has been.

2 years ago
Reply to  D-Day

Sean Hannity keeps giving him a platform “as a conservative” — Tucker gave up on him long ago, as we all should. He is just as two-faced as his mentor John McCain. “How to be a Democrat in GOP clothing” — Graham’s next self-published tome. Volume 2 — “How to get Millions of dollars from the left while getting millions of votes from the Right.” We’ve been betrayed, and have the insane and demented running the country.