

Bill Gates Reveals Sinister Plan To Recruit 3,000 Strong Army To Flood Internet With Vaccine Propaganda

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Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft and self-proclaimed world health czar, has disclosed his nefarious plan to hire thousands of people to promote vaccine propaganda on social media in order to influence the gullible of society.

Bill Gates clearly recognizes that the world is waking and that he is losing the information war.

The 3,000-plus army of mercenaries, according to Gates, who is not medically trained, will spam social media with pro-Big Pharma messaging and “help propagate accurate vaccine information in the future,” according to CNBC.

Gates says he wants social media to be a place with “good messages” about Big Pharma and vaccines from “people of trust in the community, such as political and ethnic leaders.”

Gates made the statements when being asked about Elon Musk’s acquisition of Twitter and the future of free speech on the platform. Reclaim the Net report:

During the Wall Street Journal’s CEO Summit, the Microsoft founder said Elon Musk could make Twitter worse. While the Tesla CEO is a free speech absolutist, Gates has called for more censorship.

Gates acknowledged that Musk has done a great job with his other companies, SpaceX and Tesla. But he is not confident Musk will do the same with Twitter.

“I kind of doubt that will happen this time, but we should have an open mind and never underestimate Elon,” he said.

One of the reasons Gates feels Musk could make Twitter worse is the SpaceX CEO’s stand on free speech.

“How does he feel about something [on Twitter] that says ‘vaccines kill people’ or that ‘Bill Gates is tracking people?’” Gates asked.

“What are his goals for what it ends up being? Does that match this idea of less extreme falsehoods spreading so quickly [and] weird conspiracy theories? Does he share that goal or not?” Gates said.

Gates feels social media platforms have a role to play to prevent misinformation from spreading.

“When you don’t have the trusted leaders speaking out about vaccines, it’s pretty hard for the platform to work against that,” he admitted. “So I think we have a leadership problem and we have a platform problem.”

“The way that you make those platforms spread truth and not crazy stuff, there’s some real invention required there,” Gates said.

“It’s a huge problem in terms of legitimacy of elections or medical innovations … any sort of collective behavior,” he added.

Censorship of vaccine skepticism and “fact-checking” labels have been controversial policies on social media platforms during the pandemic.

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2 years ago

I am tired of reading about Bill Gates on here. He is seriously dead; hanged in India in 2013 and again in Gitmo in 2021.

2 years ago
Reply to  A.M. Smith

Nah. He was hanged 11 times in total, but he keeps coming back. Fauci keeps resurrecting him.

Sara K
Sara K
2 years ago
Reply to  A.M. Smith

I get paid over $90 per hour working from home with 2 kids at home. I never thought I would be able to do it but my best friend earns over 15k a month doing this and she convinced me to try. it was all true and has totally changed my life. This is what I do, check it out by Visiting Following Website


Last edited 2 years ago by Sara K
2 years ago

Amazing how one man, because he is rich, thinks that he has all the answers as to what is true and what is not. He is not a medical doctor or a medical anything, but he pushes the vaccine that is not the success the Biden Administration and Czar Fauci want you to believe it is. I would never allow my kids, if they weren’t now adults, to receive it and am appalled that with all they know today, that they want to inject infants with what continues to be an experimental drug. I believe that people should be filing lawsuits over the violation of our freedoms and rights by criminalizing anyone who chooses or chose not to be vaccinated! And even more distressing now is the plan to allow underage children to receive the vaccine without parental consent. Not all children are as knowledgeable about their medical history or genetics to be able to make that decision. I also oppose over-the-counter birth control for similar reasons and I am still horrified that minors are allowed to have an abortion without parental consent. If there is a fear of inappropriate parental action against the minor, then appoint them an advocate to act as a cushion and to remove the minor from the home if necessary, but a minor is not going to fully understand the ramifications an abortion can have on their mind or body. Some women are never able to get pregnant again or suffer miscarriages instead and many women suffer from depression and remorse years later as maturity brings more insight. The rights of parents to make the decisions about their childrens’ health should never be ignored or denied.

2 years ago

Bill, I am wondering what medical school you attended and did you have a medical practice after graduation? I find it interesting when you are so adamant regarding whatever vaccine you are speaking of that you are willing to think you can force people to adhere to your wishes. I did not realize your power over me (which is non-existent). Who knew? Carry on with your charade as you wish. Your gig is up Buddy! I think you’ll be okay when you return to earth.

2 years ago

What else would we expect from him. He would never allow himself to do anything good for humanity. Evil never does anything good unless it eventually leads to destruction in the end.

2 years ago

Well pussy boy who cares what you think? You are NO longer rellevent to the REAL people. Who cares about what you want to do? BYE, BYE OLD TIMER !!!!

Rex Kittle
Rex Kittle
2 years ago

There is no need to get a vaccine to kill a virus ! This is how I killed the Covid-19 virus, I take Organic Virgin Coconut Oil everyday. I put it in oatmeal, cook eggs in it, put it in soup, or coffee or tea, anything that is hot or warm. If you would look up what happened in 2003 when the SARS virus was in the Philippines and China, you find that the people in China died, a total of 600 people. In the Philippines 2 to 7 people died. Why so many in China ? Because they do not cook their food in coconut oil. I have been on this oil for over 27 years and I don’t get sick ! The Newspapers in the Philippines said 2 people died but the one newspaper said 7, so maybe you can work that out. I could not find anything about the two people or the 7. In 2019, late Dec. the President of the Philippines went on TV and told his people this “you have got to add Organic Virgin Coconut Oil to your diet everyday to kill the Covid-19 virus”. At about that same time Fox news said the young were dying in the Philippines because of the Covid-19 virus, they didn’t say the old or older people were dying, they said the young. The teens and young adults eat fast food and restaurant food and both are American companies. Non of their food is cooked in coconut oil, that’s why the teens and young adults were dying.

2 years ago
Reply to  Rex Kittle

Perfect remedy. We’ve been on Cod Liver Oil capsules and Centrum one-a-day vitamins for over 30 years and have never been ill.

2 years ago

Mr. Gates, why don’t you just buy Facebook and turn it into a Vaxbook? Don’t kill me, folks, I’m just being sarcastic.

2 years ago

Gates never even wrote the software he is so overwhelmingly known for, in fact I think Steve Jobs would call gates a thief, gates was booted out of college for hacking the computers, he got busted hacking the system and putting himself in classes with more girls, he got sued by the government twice, and chances are he is going to be sued by many more governments in the future, unless of course he pays them off…

john wilson
john wilson
2 years ago

Gates is a Eugenicist, every thing he does is painted with that brush. Increase death is the motto.

2 years ago

So I guess Bill considers himself as a reliable source of the truth. In actuality, he is the last person on Earth I would take advice from.

2 years ago

I think there is a multibillion-dollar class action lawsuit brewing quietly in the background. Paul said he’s going after Fauci come november and the fallout from that action will likely reach all the way to europe and beyond. digital powermongering plaguehypesters and gates is one of the more prominent ones.