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WATCH: New HHS Docs Shows Why They Were HIDING Concerns About The Safety Of COVID Vaccines

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Judicial Watch received 466 pages released by HHS, regarding biodistribution studies and related data for the COVID-19 vaccines, and in the release, it’s clear that Lipid Nanoparticles were found outside the injection site in animals. Pfizer and the CDC had denied this was possible.

The nanoparticles were found mainly the liver, adrenal glands, spleen and ovaries of test animals, eight to 48 hours after injection. That is what some of the banned doctors have been saying.

Nanoparticles deliver the message on the spike proteins. We don’t know what message it could send if it runs freely through other organs.

Judicial Watch also received another 663 pages from HHS, regarding biodistribution studies and related data for COVID-19 vaccines, that show J&J did not reveal studies of the spike protein in the vaccine to the FDA.

Johnson & Johnson relied on studies showing that vaccine DNA particles and injected virus particles were still present in test animals months after injection.

The records also show that Johnson & Johnson, as part of its submission to the FDA for approval of its COVID vaccine, did not include studies of the spike protein encoded in the J&J vaccine.

Biodistribution is a method of tracking where compounds of interest travel in an experimental animal or human subject.

“These documents show why many Americans have concerns about whether the novel COVID vaccines that were developed at such an accelerated pace were tested properly and thoroughly,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.


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Last edited 2 years ago by Dorothy
2 years ago

Like I have always said there are too many unanswered questions. One is why these “reputable” companies said they would take 75 years to release the information about the vaccines that they were injecting the American people with. That alone should set off red flags all over the place. Not to mention all the other questions that they refused to answer. Along with all the denials. Things like why isn’t natural immunity just as good as the vaccine, or why are people that are vaccinated still getting the virus? My big question is why are people still dying from it?