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Nancy Pelosi Demands U.S. Go To Full War With Russia, Even If It Leads To Nuclear War: ‘We Should Not Be Deterred By The Threats From Russia’

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Nancy Pelosi has called for the “strongest possible” military retaliation to Russia’s attack on Ukraine following meetings with officials in Warsaw and Kiev. 

She added that the West should not be deterred by the threat of retaliation from Moscow.

After meeting with Polish President Andrzej Duda on Monday, Pelosi said Washington and its allies must escalate their efforts against Moscow, demanding for the “strongest possible military response” and “the strongest sanctions” in order to “make the case that this is not tolerable.”

“We shouldn’t do anything less because of a threat from Russia,” she concluded.

RT reports: The House speaker also noted that the US delegation “discussed the centrality of the US-Poland partnership in delivering security, economic and humanitarian aid to Ukraine,” as well as “the importance of bolstering the NATO alliance.”

Both nations have devoted significant amounts of military gear and other assistance to Ukraine’s war effort, with Washington spending tens of billions to furnish the country with heavy artillery, drones, helicopters, armored vehicles, ammunition, and small arms, among other weapons. Western nations have also embarked on a heavy sanctions campaign seeking to “isolate” and “cripple” the Russian economy in response to the military operation.

In his own statement following the meeting, President Duda said the two sides also discussed how to further strengthen NATO’s “eastern flank,” after several US deployments pushed troop levels in Europe beyond 140,000, many stationed in the east.

Warsaw has made a number of major security proposals for both itself and Ukraine in recent weeks, calling on the United States to facilitate the transfer of warplanes to Kiev, as well as for US troop and even nuclear deployments on Polish soil. Russian officials have repeatedly urged against additional arms deliveries to Ukraine, and have warned that the stationing of nuclear weapons in Poland would trigger a response in kind from Moscow.

Pelosi’s visit to Poland followed a ‘surprise’ stop in Kiev last weekend, where she and fellow US lawmakers met with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and other top officials. In a statement after that trip, Pelosi declared that “America stands firmly with Ukraine” and will “be there for you until the fight is done.”

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King Martel Baker
2 years ago

THey have lost their slush fund country so send our sons and daughters to be killed so they can reinstall their funds. – F THEM

2 years ago

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2 years ago

Give Her a rifle and let Her go for it

2 years ago

Pelosi et al must be removed by any and all means. To make such statements is nonsense. By the way check it out, none of her kin has ever served in the US military as well as the the rest of the millionaires in the house, senate, executive branch as well as in the judicial branch and agencies. How about you want a war you sick ugly old beach all of your kin goes in the 1st wave at the front line. The only good demorat and rhino gop is one treading ocean water 2000 miles from any land and rescue.

Karen 24
Karen 24
2 years ago
Reply to  APB

She’s the daughter of a Mob Boss and therefore doesn’t give two shits about anyone other then herself. Pampered ???? ????. I totally agree with you and pigs can’t swim well. ????

2 years ago
Reply to  Karen 24

I don’t know if this is true or not but she certainly acts like one.

2 years ago
Reply to  APB

Let her gab away, november’s coming and pretty much the end of the democrats

2 years ago
Reply to  bert33

Perhaps not…!! They’ve just played the ‘pro-abortion’ wild card.

Chiapas Traveler
Chiapas Traveler
2 years ago
Reply to  Lee

. . . and Kathy Barnette’s opening during the Penn Senate debates last night “BLEW oz OUT OF THE WATER” using his own words about abortion . . .

2 years ago
Reply to  bert33

If the democrats can provoke a war before the mid-term elections they can then suspend the election. That is the only way they are going to win and they know it.

Karen 24
Karen 24
2 years ago

Dear deranged Nancy…. please bend over so that Russia has perfect aim at your ass to land that first Nuke. Unless you’re willing to take it up the ass don’t ever put our Countries ass on the line to look like you’re all that and then some. ???? You look and talk like a fool who has no clue and doesn’t value our country and Citizens lives.
Americans who actually THINK before they speak.

enVolve AaronD
2 years ago
Reply to  Karen 24

Now that would be one nuke I could get behind!

Michael J Allen
Michael J Allen
2 years ago
Reply to  Karen 24

She has both feet in Hell the dumb bitch.

2 years ago

Have another drink Nancy. While you continue to rot from the inside out.

2 years ago

Sorry, had to give a ‘terrible!’ for this article. The article is fine but all stories with Pelosi in them are terrible.

enVolve AaronD
2 years ago
Reply to  Bill

Haha.. I’ll keep that in mind. Unfortunately she can’t exit this world soon enough.

2 years ago

Send Paul Pelosi, Hunter Biden, and the Romney and Kerry kids since they all made $millions there

2 years ago

It must really grind on her old corrupt bones that she is irrelevant .

enVolve AaronD
2 years ago
Reply to  Magik

Well, unfortunately, she’s relevant until we vote to put her in the minority.

L Garou
L Garou
2 years ago

Do you see the ghoul yet..

2 years ago

They will send 100KT Nuclear Torpedo up The Potomac and you be the first to know. They could blame Iran or Israel.

enVolve AaronD
2 years ago

She pro-abortion and pro war… just full evil

2 years ago

Pelosi’s great grandparents were Ukrainian Jews that migrated to Argentina and changed their name to Delasandrio, her fathers made up goy name.. They change their names like we change hats. She is aradical Zionist through and through and is bent on destroying America, alcoholism is her alibi for not doing good things for America.

Wine addicted pill addicted terrorist
Wine addicted pill addicted terrorist
2 years ago

Nancy is a pill addicted box of wine addicted terrorist. The USA hates this zionist wench. The people absolutely loathe her. The only reason she is reelected is because of the extreme voter fraud in Commiefornia. The people hate Nancy’s nephew Gavin Newsome Also. Again, the only reason they are elected is because of chronic vote fraud in Commiefornia. We can only hope Russia offs this terrorist wench before she starts WW3.

2 years ago

What is wrong with you people??
Why does this woman continue to turn up for work, without being prosecuted under the False Claims Act?
Americans must have hidden their testicles away, because there’s NOBODY over there with balls bug enough to lock this woman up!!

2 years ago

Zionists heritage, 3rd generation Jew from eastern Europe. Changed their name to Dlasandrio in Argentina..

Mickey G.
Mickey G.
2 years ago

Why Americans are not starting to assassinate the government fascists and the fake media criminals?

2 years ago

Please, Poop’n. Aim it that missile right up her as s, alongside Josef Bitme, Commie Ala Hairyass, et al.

2 years ago

Put Peloci in a round room and tell her to go sit in a corner. Crazy actions get crazy tesults.

Neil Sutherland
Neil Sutherland
2 years ago

don’t take your eye off the ball here: Poland is the one acting like a deranged madman here. Their hatred for Germany and Russia knows no bounds, they started WW2. They are also hypocrites, planning to seize west Ukraine

2 years ago

Poland’s hatred for Germany has justification. They did not start WW2, the Germans did that.

2 years ago

The United States was taken over by the Khazarian Mafia (from Khazaria, now known as Ukraine) after eight Zionist banking families (four in the US and four in the UK/EU) started the Federal Reserve Bank System (Fed) after the 1913 Federal Reserve Act was signed into law by a bribed President Wilson. He later regretted it.

Today, the Fed is just as federal as Federal Express. They own Wall St, all the major US banks, most of the Fortune 500 companies, Big Media, Big Pharma, Big Tech, Big Oil, Hollywood, Las Vegas and the Military Industrial Complex or Arms Merchants which make big profits from endless wars at the expense of the US taxpayers and young American’s lives. The Fed must be nationalized and be controlled by the US Treasury.

2 years ago
Reply to  Robert

Las Vegas? Where to heck did that come from?

2 years ago

Slowly, inch by inch, step by step, we come closer to war with Russia. Who will be the losers? Your father, mother, sister, brother, not one damn piece of crap politician or general will be on the line. And idiots like this woman, who can kill a baby’s with out a whimper can kill your kin and drink wine about it.

Horatio Bunce
Horatio Bunce
2 years ago

Well, Nancy, you drunken old fool, I am sure you can grab a rifle from the armory and hitch a ride to the Ukraine. Time to step up to the plate you keep insisting our sons and daughters do.

John B Foster
John B Foster
2 years ago

What does she care? She’s probably got plenty of Booze and Gourmet ice cream in her bunker! Oh, you don’t have a bunker? I am sure she doesn’t care… ???? 

Howard T. Lewis III
Howard T. Lewis III
2 years ago

Nasty Puklousy. First in graft, First in corruption. First into the pockets of her countrymen. We certainly found the best politician money can buy.

2 years ago

America is the great satan. I no longer support it. Russia must be a great place. No blacks or women in high office

2 years ago

Like, dislike Trump. We all agree on 1 point, non of this demonic sht was happening on Trumps watch, FACT. Trump CHECKED China. As a BUSINESS MAN, not a spineless, evil, traitor of the American people, piece of filth politician, Trump within 1 year did what no spineless President had ever done. He did for BLACK PEOPLE what HOMOSEXUAL Gaybama with his Transgender wife did not do or any president before these 2 freaks of nature. Yes, those in the knowing know about the Gaybamas..
What the American people are dealing with is far beyond their comprehension. I advise all the watch the movie, Boy’s From Brazil 1979. Human CLONING is very real folks. Many of these high profile figures, in government, entertainment, ect have been put to death by a Military Tribunal. What you are being presented with folks are a kind of HUMAN, SOULLESS, CLONE.

2 years ago

Nancy Pelosi is a clown, the best thing about her is her age because she will most likely be dead in the near term.

2 years ago

There is absolutely no doubt about it, Pelosi is completely out of her mind.

Age of Irony
Age of Irony
2 years ago

Has anyone else noticed the increasing casual look amongst the Biden Administration at press conferences? I’ve noted the males in the Biden Admin will appear w/o ties. What next, shorts & flip flops? purple hair and a nose ring?

2 years ago

Look you conseratard nitwits. If you let this commie-jew “government” of ours go to war wherever it wants including with russia, then you will be destroyed by China on the other flank, the cowards who have commandeered your country are planning on it.

2 years ago

Maybe Nancy supports all out war with Russia (even Nuclear) because she and her ilk will be cowering in bunkers while the average man, woman and child is incinerated?

2 years ago

Sure, someone who ripped up the speech of a sitting President in front of Congress and the world, is now pretending to be legitimate, even to the point of deciding war decisions. Good God.

2 years ago

Her brain is toast. Another “progressive” war is looming.