

Biden’s New ‘Disinformation’ Head, Nina Jankowicz, Busted Pushing Numerous LIES In Her Very First Day

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On Wednesday, Joe Biden’s Department of Homeland Security announced the formation of a “Disinformation Governance Board,” led by executive director Nina Jankowicz.

Jankowicz, a former adviser to the Ukrainian government, was also caught in a flagrant lie on Wednesday.

To put it bluntly, the new chairman of the Homeland Security Disinformation Governance Board appears to have a shaky relationship with the truth, and has been caught spreading false information on a variety of subjects.

She was seen rejecting the Hunter Biden “laptop from hell” as Russian propaganda in screenshots of previous messages shared to Twitter. She has also slammed free speech in the past, including Twitter’s decision to suspend taking action against 2020 election posters.

Jankowicz has on numerous occasions discredited the Hunter Biden laptop story, saying it’s a “fairy tale” and disinformation. Via Post Millennial:

In another tweet, she wrote, “back on the ‘laptop from hell,’ apparently- Biden notes 50 former natsec officials and 5 former CIA heads that believe the laptop is a Russian influence op. Trump says ‘Russia, Russia, Russia.’

In another tweet, Jankowicz wrote “[intelligence community] has a high degree of confidence that the Kremlin used proxies to push influence narratives, including misleading or unsubstantiated claims about President Biden, to US media, officials, and influencers, some close to President Trump.

A clear nod to the alleged Hunter laptop,” she added.

In regards to free speech, Jankowicz has made numerous posts expressing discontent with the idea.

In one she wrote, “Trump speech is definitely the most presidential thing he’s ever done, but still missing a disavowed of disinformation and conspiracy theories.

She continued, “And once again for the people in the back: the ‘free speech vs censorship’ framing is a false dichotomy.”

In another tweet regarding free speech, Jankowicz said she “shudders to think about if free speech absolutists were taking over more platforms, what that would look like for the marginalized communities.”

In response to a tweet saying that Twitter would no longer be taking action against posts regarding the 2020 election, Jankowicz advocated for the continuing to take action against these tweets.

Considering the long-term damage these lies do to our democracy, I’m dismayed about this decision,” she wrote, over a year after the election took place, and Biden took office.

I say this about foreign disinformation and it applies to domestic disinfo too: Elections aren’t an end point. They’re an inflection point. Policies need to reflect that.”

In a video posted to Twitter in the months leading up to the 2020 election, Jankowicz talked about the term “color revolution,” describing their roots in revolutions like the “Rose Revolution” in Georgia and the “Orange Revolution in Ukraine.”

In the video she explains that “believe it or not, sometimes people get fed up with having their voices silenced for decades,” describing the reasoning behind these revolutions regarding elections.

One Twitter user discovered that Jankowicz was previously in a band called “The Moaning Myrtles,” that sang “erotic Harry Potter” songs. One of these songs posted to Twitter was a rather raunchy imagining of Moaning Myrtle, a ghost that lives in a Hogwart’s bathroom.

Jankowicz will be now be leading Biden’s “disinformation” ministry. According to her Wilson Center biography, she previously “advised the Ukrainian government on strategic communications under the auspices of a Fulbright-Clinton Public Policy Fellowship.” She is also a disinformation fellow at the Center.

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