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Bombshell Govt. Pandemic Study Finds Blue States Responsible For Deaths And Ruined Education / Businesses

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Currently, China is locking down Shanghai over a new COVID surge. Shanghai is a city of almost 25 million people who can’t get food and medicines. The CCP’s excuse for their radical lockdowns is to keep up its record of “zero deaths.” Zero deaths? China had people dropping dead in the streets.

Blue states in the United States appeared to adopt most of China’s policies to deal with the pandemic.

With threats of masks and lockdowns returning, bombshell research finally shows that the pandemic killed people, and ruined education and businesses.

The cure became worse than the illness but medical tyrants like Dr. Anthony Fauci, a political operative, pushed them beyond all reason without any consideration of the collateral damage.

The report, written by the National Bureau of Economic Research, a non-partisan, nonprofit group, concluded that shutting down during the pandemic was “by far the biggest mistake governors and state officials made.”

The study judged states on their economy, education, and mortality and compiled a comprehensive list showing how they now stand as coronavirus dies down.

New York, California, New Jersey, New Mexico, and Illinois were the worst. Florida did well in the new study, coming in number 6. The Democrat Governors’ policies “caused huge death rates, ruined children’s studies and destroyed businesses,” according to the study.

Meanwhile, Utah, Nebraska, Vermont (a left-wing state with a Republican governor), Montana, and South Dakota – Red states – allowed residents more freedom and fared much better.

Governor Ron DeSantis, who is in the top six, was roundly condemned during the pandemic by partisans in the media and the Democrat Party. Then-Governor Cuomo who continually trashed the right and the Florida governor came in third from the bottom.

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2 years ago

The whole concept of lockdowns, masks, psyops hysteria about the “spread of C-19” was to distract the American public from what the CDC, NIH, Big Pharma, Chinese overseers, Deep State4 and Democrats were putting in the US water supply.
Blue States were promised by Pelosi that if they would do everything Fauci said like good little communists, they would get lots and lots and lots of Federal money.
She lied.
Pray, people, for God’s help and His miracles to preserve One Nation Under God on the North American continent.

Phil CruzD
Phil Cruz
2 years ago

Of course they are. That is their goal. They are in the employ of the Globalists, not their “constituents”. They are producing the exact results their masters have commanded. Mush brained useful, disposable idiots.