

School Gives 10-Year-Old Girls SICK Assignment To Ask Their Fathers About Their ‘Erections And Ejaculation’ [VIDEO]

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Australia is in the vanguard of the New World Order and it’s ongoing war on children.

Primary school children in the state of Victoria have been given a worksheet instructing them to ask their fathers about their “erections and ejaculations.”

Victoria is the state led by the notorious leftist regime of Dan Andrews, who ruled over the world’s most repressive Covid lockdown.

Liberal MP Bernie Finn brought the matter to Victoria’s Minister for Education this week after he was contacted by the parent of a ten-year-old girl who was told to “discuss with her father his erections and ejaculations” as part of her homework.

A photograph of the worksheet was sent to Mr Finn, which instructed children to “see how much the adults at your home know” about various topics, including the “penis growing bigger,” “ejaculation,” “wet dreams,” “clitoris hardens and becomes more sensitive,” and “vaginal wetness.

The concerned parent told Mr Finn that after a complaint was made to the school, they were informed that the content was “just part of the curriculum.”

My daughter still plays with dolls and writes letters to the tooth fairy,” the parent told Mr Finn. “There is no way any little girl should be told to ask these questions.”

After reading the letter, Mr Finn unloaded on parliament, calling the content “deplorable,” and describing it as part of the Andrews’ government’s ongoing war on children.

Mr Finn said:

What the hell is going on in this state when 10-year-old girls are told to go home and talk to your father about his erections and about his ejaculations? What the hell is going on here?!

How the hell are we supposed to protect our kids when this sort of perversion is in our schools? This is what’s being dished up to them on a daily basis. In a primary school, not even a secondary school, a primary school. This is just unbelievable. Staggering.

I could not imagine the reaction – I have three daughters – I could not imagine the reaction of any of them, if they were told to do that. They would be traumatized for life. I don’t think they’d ever recover. I’m not sure I’d ever recover.

This is just deplorable….and it seems to me to be a part of the ongoing war by the Andrews’ Government against children, in particular, in this state. Let kids be kids. A 10-year-old girl should not be exposed to this sort of material…. and I challenge anybody – just ask yourselves here tonight, would you be happy if you had a 10-year-old, and she was told to go home to talk to her dad about his ejaculations and his erections. Would you be happy with that? Would you be relaxed about that?

My G-d, I wouldn’t be. I’d be horrified. Indeed, we should all be horrified.

Caldron Pool report: Mr Finn went on to urge the Minister for Education to conduct an urgent investigation to remove the material and ensure no more children are exposed to the content.

Moira Deeming, a Victorian teacher who has long campaigned against the early sexualisation and inappropriate eroticization of the government’s revised ‘health’ curriculums, alerted Caldron Pool to the Victorian Government’s Catching On Early: Sexuality Education for Victorian Primary Schools document, which she argues the worksheet read out in parliament is based on.

“These worksheets are conversation ‘starters’ – the conversation and the detail never stay limited to the words on the sheet,” Mrs Deeming said.

Screenshot from Victorian Government’s Catching On Early: Sexuality Education for Victorian Primary Schools

“There are only two types of people who would happily introduce this material in classrooms, incredibly naïve and ill-informed teachers and predators. Normalising this behaviour in all the ‘good’ adults undermines the ability for children to quickly distinguish between someone who has crossed a line and is dangerous and someone who is not. And who does that benefit? It certainly isn’t children and those who actually want to protect children.”

“That 10-year-old girl was uncomfortable with the homework, her parents were uncomfortable with the homework- and I know of even worse cases of inappropriate classroom discussions which had the same outcome- which was in essence that students and parents have no right to complain about creepy teachers who ask too many personal questions and pressure students to engage in activities and graphic discussions about erotic sexuality because the government has given them permission,” Mrs Deeming said.

“I have collected so many stories on my website about disastrously inappropriate incidents, and every single time the school has been able to hold up the government-mandated curriculum as a shield.”

Mrs Deeming, who is also a local government Councillor in the City of Melton, has launched a website called In Defence of Children to collect testimonies and information from teachers and parents about the impacts of gender identity ideology and erotic sexuality curriculums in schools.

If you’re concerned about what your children have been exposed to in the classroom, you can reach out to Mrs Deeming via her website. Identities can be kept anonymous.

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2 years ago

Whoever thought sending a 10 yr old girl home with an assignment to ask their fathers about their erections and ejaculations, is a sick fcker who should have their face pounded into the cement.

2 years ago

Take these so called teachers and their supporters and bosses and HANG THE BASTARDS

2 years ago

Sounds like we are in the last days doesn’t it? Weirder and weirder
than ever today! What is next?

wendy wallace
wendy wallace
2 years ago
Reply to  DianeC

Probably World War 3, prophesied in Ezekiel 38, 39. A coalition of Russia and a group of Muslim nations will move against Israel, but God will decimate them with “hail, fire, and brimstone,” likely by firing up the numerous volcanoes in the region.

Frank Liso
Frank Liso
2 years ago


2 years ago

This is just plain State sponsored Pedophilia. These people are sick. My kid would be home schooled or get out of that country. It is so depraved

Count Dracular
Count Dracular
2 years ago

Absolutely disgusting …. these mentally disturbed individuals within the educational system must be fired ad never allowed to be near children.

2 years ago
Reply to  Count Dracular

Fired hell should be hung.

Jacques MerdeD
Jacques Merde
2 years ago

If this was my kid that came home with this sick assignment, I would already have been arrested and someone would have been in the hospital…

2 years ago
Reply to  Jacques Merde

Hospital hell, the morgue would be much more likely.

Jacques MerdeD
Jacques Merde
2 years ago
wendy wallace
wendy wallace
2 years ago
Reply to  Jacques Merde

I wonder if they have any time in school to cover any other subject as thoroughly as they do “sexuality.” Can they add and subtract by the time they know the names for all sexual body parts, inside and out? I have my doubts.

Jacques MerdeD
Jacques Merde
2 years ago

It’s a shame the Aussies surrendered their guns…

rifles, safe.jpg
2 years ago
Reply to  Jacques Merde

Yeah. We were conned into that one too.

David Jeffrey Spetch
David Jeffrey Spetch
2 years ago

leftists and globalists are sick pos

2 years ago

This is a continuation of the sexual confusion thing disguised as “änti bullying” which was exposed quite a few years ago. Dan Andrews promised to keep the projrct going. I suspect that a raging lesbian made this for Dictator Dan to implement in Government run schools (he sends his kids to a non government school).

2 years ago

This is disgusting and inappropriate at any age. It appears that the education system is a bastion for the mentally and sexually ill and it needs to be stopped immediately! If people are unable to send their children to Christian oriented private schools, they need to find a way to homeschool them so that they are not indoctrinated in what has become a cesspool.

2 years ago

Australia has gone to the Devil.
If there are any true Christians left in that nation, I hope they survive. God help them.
Pray, people, for God’s help and His miracles to preserve One Nation Under God on the North American continent.

wendy wallace
wendy wallace
2 years ago
Reply to  bbb

There isn’t one. America abandoned God over 50 years ago.