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Elites TERRIFIED After Latest Poll Shows Anti-Globalist Marina Le Pen Winning French Election

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A poll on the eve of the first round of the French presidential election shows Marine Le Pen, who ran on a fierce campaign against Globalism, winning by a comfortable margin, sending shockwaves through the global elite.

The poll was released Thursday by the Brazil-based firm Atlas Intelligence and claims that in a second-round run-off vote, Marine Le Pen will soar ahead of President Macron.

While the survey expects President Macron to win the first round of voting this weekend with at least 27.8 per cent of the vote, with Ms Le Pen in second with 21.3 per cent, the latter then soars ahead of Macron in a second-round vote with a whopping 41.4 per cent of the vote to 40.8 for Macron reports: 18 per cent say they are either undecided or do not intend to cast a ballot.

In a potential second round against conservative writer and pundit Eric Zemmour, centre-right candidate Valérie Pécresse, or far-left candidate Jean-Luc Melenchon, Macron would win decisively, according to the polling, largely due to the number of people who would either not vote, would leave their ballot blank, or be unsure of who to vote for.

Le Pen also scored the lowest in terms of negative voter attitudes among the candidates, with 54.5 per cent viewing her in a negative light compared to 55.8 per cent for President Macron.

A total of 68.8 per cent said they had a negative view of Eric Zemmour, with Paris’s leftist mayor Anne Hidalgo having an even worse score of 69.5 per cent viewing her negatively.

The polling coincides with more recent opinion polls that show Le Pen gaining ground on President Macron, who has avoided participating in any debates between the presidential candidates going into the election this weekend.

Political academic Nicolas Tenzer acknowledged that a Le Pen victory could be possible, saying: “With a high abstention rate, which is possible, and the level of hatred toward the president among some people, there could be a real surprise,” and added, “The idea that Le Pen wins is not impossible.”

In the final days leading up to the election, both Le Pen and Zemmour highlighted the death of Jewish man Jeremy Cohen, who was hit by a tram and died in February in the no-go Paris suburb of Seine-Saint-Denis.

Initially thought to have been an accident, footage later emerged showing Cohen being chased and beaten by a mob of people just prior to this death, raising questions of whether or not his death was a result of him fleeing an anti-Semitic attack.

“The images of the death of Jeremy Cohen are chilling. The death of yet another of our children and the deafening silence on the facts for two months revolt me. Did he die to escape scum? Did he die because he was a Jew? Why is this case hushed up?” Zemmour said this week.

“At the end of February, Jérémy Cohen was assassinated, crushed under a tram in his flight following the beating by a gang. What was presented as an accident could be an anti-Semitic murder. How to explain the silence on this affair and its motivations?” Le Pen said, calling for a parlaimentry inquiry into the incident.

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2 years ago

bring out the dominion machines…

Alice Saunders
Alice Saunders
2 years ago
Reply to  Rasputin

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Last edited 2 years ago by Alice Saunders
2 years ago

I will not believe she is actually in office until she steps into it. She has been trying to win an election for a long time. I hope she gets it this time. France is so sick as a nation and so liberal I would be surprised if she does win. Maybe the people are sick and tired of evil running their nation and running it into the ground. Things need to change there but only can if the people change first. It is long over due to those people to turn around and accept the truth for a change.

2 years ago

Are you unaware that the reason Macron who ran on the French Communist Party ticket won is because France uses Dominion voting machines?
What makes you think the voting machines are not still giving him two votes for every one she will get?
France is compromised.
The USA is compromised.
Venezuela, Ukraine, the UK, and many other nations are compromised.
The New World Order believes it has the ability to control every nation on the earth through electronics.
That is why the Federal Reserve is selling the politicians [puppets], the bankers [poor dupes], the corporations, the whole world on electronic currency. Complete control.
Americans think their votes still count. Not so.
But we are God’s creation, the Earth is God’s creation, the land and water are God’s creation and powers far greater than electricity and nuclear weapons are at His command and cannot match His vast capabilities.
What God’s people have is His almighty holiness and His miracles to maintain liberty for Christ’s lambs. It does not mean this year will be peaceful, but it does mean that millions upon millions of people will come to Jesus Christ in the greatest revival on earth.

2 years ago
Reply to  bbb

You should read the Bible – it may be a new experience! My Bible says there will be a falling away in the end, NOT a revival. don’t be misled by false preachers . . . .

2 years ago

You bring a female presiden’t, she’ll do much worse crap than globalist. Look for what that female president of brazil or argentina did with her “femicide” law.

2 years ago

We must get rid of computerized voting systems–they are inherently corruptible. For safe and accurate voting, each SMALL COMMUNITY must collect and publish their own HAND-CAST VOTE TALLIES. These community tallies can then be published for all to see and add up.