

Biden Signs Meaningless ‘Anti-Lynching Bill’ But Ignores Lynching of White New Orleans Grandma Linda Frickey Just Last Week [VIDEO]

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Joe Biden on Tuesday signed an “anti-lynching” federal hate crime bill into law and gave a speech suggesting white people lynching black people is “a persistent problem” — all while ignoring the lynching of 73-year-old grandmother Linda Frickey that took place one week ago in New Orleans.

Frickey was caught on film being carjacked, maced, beat and then dragged to her death allegedly by four black teens in a vicious lynching which shocked the nation. It marked the first lynching to take place since the Senate unanimously passed the Emmett Till Anti-Lynching Act.

If the goal of this anti-lynching bill was actually to stop lynchings, the champions of the bill in Congress would have blown the story up and rushed to give TV interviews to highlight the need for Biden to sign the bill immediately.

Instead, they all stayed silent.

Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and a multitude of congress members rushed to highlight the “lynching” of Jussie Smollett and Kamala and Sen. Cory Booker even cited his “attempted modern day lynching” as a reason to pass this anti-lynching bill but they couldn’t spare one word for Linda Frickey.

The lynching of Emmett Till seven decades ago is more newsworthy than the lynching of Linda Frickey last week.

From Breitbart, “Joe Biden Signs Anti-Lynching Legislation: ‘Racial Hate a Persistent Problem'”:

President Joe Biden signed a bill officially banning lynching on the federal level Tuesday, comparing the horrific practice to the people who marched at the protests in Charlottesville.

“The same racial hatred that drove the mob to hang a noose, brought that mob carrying torches out of the fields of Charlottesville just a few years ago,” Biden said, referring to the 2017 protests. “Racial hate isn’t an old problem. It’s a persistent problem.”

Biden proudly signed the bill first before delivering a speech about it.

“No federal law prohibited lynching. None. Until today,” he boasted.

Biden said that between 1877 and 1950, more than 4,400 black people were murdered by lynching.

“That’s a lot of folks, man, and a lot of silence for a long time,” he said.

Out of the 4,000 or so people who were lynched in America from 1882-1968, 1,297 were white according to Tuskegee Institute archives.

Vice President Kamala Harris also spoke after Biden signed the bill, noting that anti-lynching legislation was first introduced in 1900 and failed 200 times before it finally passed Congress in 2022.

“Lynching is and has always been a hate crime,” she said, and added, “Lynching is not a relic of the past. Racial acts of terror still occur in our nation, and when they do we must all have the courage to name them and hold the perpetuators to account.”

Harris celebrated a long list of activists who worked to push the bill through Congress and also spoke about the importance of the black press.

“I’m going off script for a moment about the importance of the black press. And the importance of making sure that we have the storytellers always in our community who we will support to tell the truth when no one else is willing to tell it,” he said.

What happened to Linda Frickey should never be tolerated in this country. She was a kind, gentle grandmother beloved by those who knew her. It was a modern day lynching. It took place because Democrats (and the GOP establishment) have insisted on giving criminals and thugs safe harbor in the name of “anti-racism.” Though she has a place in the hearts of all good Americans, our parasitic rulers won’t spare one word for her, let alone offer her family their condolences.

In the minds of our parasitic elites, Linda Frickey was an oppressor by birth and her attackers were born as victims of systemic oppression.

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2 years ago

This just shows how hypocritical our politicians are. Not to mention “not too bright either”. They are making it sound like they are doing something in Washington. I always thought it was a crime to kill anybody anyway. But in order to gain the “black vote” they are coming up with this.

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Last edited 2 years ago by Avy