

LISTEN: Leaked Audio Shows Nancy Pelosi’s Disdain for Ordinary Americans, Comparing Them To Peasants

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Remember when Nancy Antoinette went to a salon that had been closed by Covid policies of the sort she championed, pressing the owner to open it for her but no one else?

Remember when she showed off her hugely expensive freezer, full of gourmet ice cream, at a time when many Americans were out of work thanks to Covid? If you don’t, here’s that video:

So, perhaps she has good taste in ice cream, but Pelosi had certifiably poor taste in what to post or say when average Americans were suffering.

And now she’s back at it, though perhaps she’s gotten worse, going from out-of-touch to somewhat demeaning.

That, at least, is the impression given by recently leaked audio, audio that the RNC released alongside a video of the infamous ice cream video. Here’s the leaked audio:

The Gateway Pundit, reporting on what can be heard in the leaked clip, reports that:

“And to this day, my husband, Paul, who was born and raised in San Francisco – I was born and raised in Baltimore – to this day, he likes to dine at 8 and I like to eat at 5:30, like a peasant,” Pelosi said in the undated audio released by RNC Research on Wednesday.

Yikes. It does not appear, however, that the audio clip and the video the RNC used for it are related in anything other than spirit. Though her elitism is present in both, it appears that the two incidents were otherwise separate.

Wayne Dupree’s site found some excellent comments from around the web about the audio. Here’s what people are saying according to that outlet:

“I honestly can’t believe she actually used that word. There’s out of touch, then there’s Nancy Pelosi levels of of out of touch. We need a word or phrase to express how insane that sounds.”

“The elites even eat at a better time than I do. I am so far below them.”

“Always had a feeling that was how she referred to the people.”

“I couldn’t despise Pelosi any more than I do.”

“She’s an out-of-touch serial liar and a corrupt person. Term limits!”

“I do admire her husband for marrying her, knowing damn well that he was going to wake up to that every morning for the next 50 years. God bless you, sir for taking one for the team. You’re a real Patriot.”

“That’s what most elitists think about the common American, I knew that’s how she viewed Americans .”

“To this day, she hasn’t learned about Fixodent.”

“Queen Nancy is showing her true colors as she sits on her pedestal”

This is how all Dems feel about middle-class Americans.

They don’t care about the struggles or the challenges any of us face.

“Shut up about gas prices, and buy a 60K electric car, peasants…” 

Pelosi is such an elitist. She and her stock trading need to go, now! Until then, America will continue to be ruled by people like Nancy Antoinette.

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2 years ago

Pelosi has ….no idea …she has much less class than anyone she called Peasant.
These are American’s she is speaking of..

They ALL are important ..including those who have No Food to Eat due to high gas prices to drive to Work Pelosi.

2 years ago
Reply to  Tim

that they are. easily swayed by gossip and hearsay.

Jane Doe
Jane Doe
2 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Good morning,

According to Wikipedia, “When The World Trade Center twin towers were completed, the total cost to The Port Authority had reached $900 million”. Concerning their destruction, no real investigation has been done, to this day.

A few years ago, blueprints of said towers were found in a garbage bin in NYC.

Trillions (one trillion is a thousand times larger than one billion) of dollars of tax payers’ money have been spent on post 9/11 wars.

Why was it decided that instead of doing a reenactment, with a full-scale replica of a WTC tower, dummies and a remote controlled Boeing airplane, it was wiser to spend thousands of times more money to go to war for more than twenty years?

Could a new administration or a foreign country organize, in a remote location, using available blueprints, dummies, high tech sensors, surveillance equipment, remote controlled scrapped Boeing airplanes and eventually bitcoins and/or givesendgo,
an international competition for the most realistic reenactment of at least one of the destructions suffered on 9/11/2001?

Thank you!

Have a nice day!

2 years ago
Reply to  Jane

and yet those “peasants” keep falling into the voting scam hole.

Dawn Doran
Dawn Doran
2 years ago
Reply to  Jane

Pelosi can always go to Italy and see how well, she would be treated there.

Jacques MerdeD
Jacques Merde
2 years ago

If I lived in her neck of the woods, I would invite the homeless and illegals to her house for a free BBQ, … Advertize her address as a “shooting gallery” so she too can walk around used drug addicts’ needles. After all, she should know how those affected by her policies live.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jacques Merde

Hey Jack Shit. You get it started.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jacques Merde

her “policies’ are govt policies both sides play.

2 years ago

Because you failed to engage yourself into the political system, you are being used at the ballot box, the jury box, you are in their box … are you getting this yet ? Since the inception of this country, Jefferson relied upon We The People as the fourth branch not trusting in the system of government the founding fathers created, and one of the most important is the Grand Jury, and no, I am NOT insinuating a grand jury controlled by the DOJ like little compliant puppets. Even the Supreme Court referred to the grand jury as “little darlings” just willing to rubber stamp indictments, and as a matter of fact that was and has been happening but for the little people because there are laws for the little people and another set of laws for the wealthy.

2 years ago
Reply to  Tim

not trusting the public the electoral college was created.

2 years ago

I pray to GOD every day HE sends the Angels to Piglosi et al and their families and sends them to hell to be with the other bastard polliticians, judges, lobbyists, bid donors, et al. Not just demorats folks GOP too and esp nut jobs AOC and the muzzies. I ask everyone to download the DING DONG THE WICKED WITCH is dead tune from Wiz of Oz. Play this when you hear any politicians dies, but esp. for Piglosi, Watters, Harris et al!

2 years ago
Reply to  APB

wow so your “god” is evil just as you are?

Rick Morrow
Rick Morrow
2 years ago

Let them eat ice cream.

2 years ago

oh please, if its remotely real its obviously sarcasm. but hey, the serfs need to be told to hate everyone on the opposing team.

Sharon Gibbly-Mooney
Sharon Gibbly-Mooney
2 years ago

Another jew.