

WATCH: MTG Completely Humiliates Reporter For Suggesting She’s A Putin Puppet — “You can take your pro-Putin garbage somewhere else”

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MTG was doing an interview with a reporter while she walked this morning who accused her of being pro-Putin and she lit into him:

MTG had just gotten through saying that what Putin was doing to Ukraine was absolutely evil when the reporter named Andrew accused her of being pro-Putin in that couched way that reporters do it:

REPORTER: What do you say to those who argue that vote combined with your threat on Nazism in Ukraine and all the other comments you’ve made represent a sympathy towards Russia and the Kremlin?

MTG: Ok first off that’s ridiculous and you need to stop. I don’t have any sympathy for Putin and Russia. So you can take your pro-Putin garbage and you can take it somewhere else. What Putin is doing in Russia is murderous and it’s evil. And I’ve said so from the beginning so if you’re going to talk about my remarks, talk about all of them Andrew and be more honest in your journalism.

I love how she called it ‘your pro-Putin garbage’ because that’s exactly what it is. Reporters have been couching their accusations this way for time and memorial and I’m glad she called him out on it.



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El Subliminoso
El Subliminoso
2 years ago

Who is that fag reporter?

2 years ago
Reply to  El Subliminoso

She calked him Andrew..
(She is sharp)..She comes from a part of the US where people
are are more honest & tell it like it is.

2 years ago

I like MTG

Orange peel
2 years ago

I would punch him in the mouth for lying and I would call him the goose stepping brown shirt kissing Putin and China butts. Start taking these reporters down for their unamerican ways.

2 years ago
Reply to  Orange peel

To say that Putin is totally responsible for this war is irresponsible! How can the USA criticize Russia when it attacks nations more than any other, by far! The war criminals in the US government were VERY instrumental in taking the world to this dangerous point and with Russia as the punching bag!

Robbie CheneyD
Robbie Cheney
2 years ago

I see MTG as groveling towards the khazjeu zio-abomination. Khazjeu controlled anything is an abomination upon the earth and its peoples. Putin appears to be the only National Leader who is worth a darn….

Kol Nidre
Kol Nidre
2 years ago
Reply to  Robbie Cheney

You dont see much do you? Putin is another CHABAD-WEF owned stooge. He was an early WEF Kosher Schwab ‘Young Global Leader’ and is playing his part in the latest NWO move. Good cop vs bad cop is still kosher cop.