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EPA Approves Disturbing Plan For Genetically-Modified Mosquitoes, Funded By Bill Gates, To Be Unleashed Into America

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The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has just approved a scheme to release millions of genetically engineered mosquitos, funded by Bill Gates, across the United States.

The alarming scheme, devised by Oxitec, a British biotech business backed by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, is ostensibly intended to prevent the spread of diseases like Zika, yellow fever, dengue fever, and others.

The plan has been approved by the EPA, but individual state approval is still required. There has, however, been some criticism.

“You’re going to have an impact when you disrupt an ecological system, whether it’s a minor disruption or a massive disruption,” Dana Perls, a program manager at Friends of the Earth, a Washington, D.C.-based environmental advocacy group, said.

“You can’t get these mosquitos back once they’ve been released into the ecosystem,” she explained. “This could, in fact, add to the difficulties we already have.”

Perls believes it’s unknown if the genetically engineered mosquitos will act the way Oxitec promises without more data on the rate of disease transmission from the Aedes aegypti mosquito.

Per Katu:

Among potential concerns, Perls says a hybrid species could be created that is difficult to eradicate, or another type of mosquito could simply take the place of the Aedes aegypti. She feels there needs to be a better system in place for monitoring the engineered species before releasing it.

An invasive species of mosquito, called Aedes aegypti, first appeared in California in 2013. In 2020, it also appeared in Florida for the first time in 75 years.

Although they account for a relatively small portion of the total mosquito population in those areas, they reportedly cause a large number of cases of human disease, and are known to be particularly aggressive when it comes to biting people.

Oxitec has genetically engineered roughly 2.4 million male (meaning they don’t bite) mosquitos to contain the number of Aedes aegypti.

The male mosquitos have a “self-limiting” gene that causes the population to die out over time. The idea is that they will mate with the invasive female species, “mediating a reduction of the target population as the female offspring of these encounters cannot survive,” the company said.

This method was also carried out in 2021, when Oxitec released 144,000 genetically-modified mosquitos in the Florida Keys as part of a pilot project, which the company describes as “a success.”

Oxitec also stresses that the new mosquitos will not harm other “beneficial insects,” like bees and butterflies.

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2 years ago

Anything Gates touches us not good. Stop this now. He will kill more people with this ploy then he did with the Chinese virus. Come on people stop him now. His ego has him thinking he is a god and can control the world. He’s nuts.

Gideon RockwellD
Gideon Rockwell
2 years ago

Gates is a truly brilliant man, but like a lot of brilliant individuals he has a chip missing. His parents were at the center of Planned Parenthood and true believers in eugenics. They were also proponents of reducing the global population by any means necessary. Bill has been thoroughly indoctrinated into these beliefs. I do not trust any of his meddling in medical or other biology based research.

Jacques MerdeD
Jacques Merde
2 years ago

too bad Gate’s parents did not believe in oral sex…

2 years ago

I don’t trust any thing Gates has his hands-on. They just revealed bio weapons in Ukraine revealing transfer fleas to humans.. who’s to say these mosquitoes don’t have disease directly going to humans.. nope I don’t trust the SCIENCE.

Last edited 2 years ago by Mondexmomma