

Climate Alarmist Leftists Throw A Fit After Woman’s Tweet About Her Electric Car Goes Viral

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If the left had a motto, what would it be? “Never get a good crisis go to waste,” perhaps? “Never let reality get in the way of a good-sounding policy,” maybe? “Attack anyone who won’t go along with your demented demands,” even?

All would be accurate, and all are true of what the pro-green energy Democrats are doing in response to the Russian invasion of the Ukraine.

Never ones to let their policy preferences be shifted by reality, never willing to let a good crisis go to waste, and certainly never willing to give those who disagree with them a fair hearing, they’re going berserk right now, pushing “green energy” as the solution to the cut off of Russian oil. An example is Peter Kalmus, one of the top NASA climate scientists, saying:

Of COURSE getting off of fossil fuels and onto renewables is a matter of national security. Fuck the fossil fuel industry and its disinformation and influence gaming.

To them, the solution isn’t building more pipelines, constructing more oil rigs, or otherwise boosting the production of cheap and easy-to-access fossil fuels. Nope, it’s to push the creation of “renewable” energy like wind and solar power (but never the one that actually works well, nuclear), along with the electric cars they think are the solution to what they see as climate change catastrophe.

The solution to $5 gas? A $50k Tesla. Because that totally makes sense…NOT!

In any case, it’s the message they’ve decided to push, so, as usual, they’re not backing off.

Well, one woman on Twitter decided to share the truth about her electric car, a truth that the left certainly doesn’t want to hear. In her words:

Look, I have an electric vehicle. What the government is telling you is a lie. It takes over an hour to SUPERCHARGE my Tesla.
Can you imagine waiting an hour to fill up?
Or going 25 miles out of the way to charge?

It is not for everyone.

Our country is nowhere near ready.

The night it came in, I reserved it. Drove 8 hours to Louisville KY to pick it up the next day.
It had 1000 miles on it. I traded my 2018 Tesla X in for it.

Well, that tweet went viral, bringing in over 32,000 likes as of Monday the 14th.

Why? Because it gets to a truth about electric vehicles, one that even the more reasonable advocates of them are willing to admit (but the “green energy” pushers never are).

That truth? That, for now at least, they’re inconvenient. They take forever to recharge, which is fine if they’re plugged in overnight, but less than ideal if you’re rushing to work or on a roadtrip. Who wants to sit and wait at least an hour every few hundred miles? Few people do.

Of course the comments for her Tweet are filled with angry climate-alarmist Leftists, but those are to be expected.  Many, however, came to her defense.

Wayne Dupree’s site, as normal, did an excellent job of highlighting some of the best responses to the tweet, responses that get to the truth about what the problem with EVs is.

“Electric vehicles are not practical for anything but short distance driving. Also the average person can’t afford them, or their upkeep, especially when the batteries only last 100K miles & it costs a fortune to replace them.”

“We live 58 mi from Anaheim but it can take over 3 hours in traffic. How well will an electric vehicle perform in those conditions? Not very well, I’m guessing…” 

“Better have a full charge and not run the AC on blast if you plan to get to point A and Point B and back again. God’s speed LOL” 

“I understand it is also around $22 thousand to replace a battery in one. Wow not for me. I love my old gas guzzling 6 cylinder Mercedes! Comfort and know it starts every time . Besides I can get a battery for $125!”

“I too own a electric car. Downloaded several apps to plan my road trip. Picked a hotel that had level 2 charging stations. On arrival another Tesla owner checked out the key to use the charger and never returned it. I was unable to charge for 12 hours. What a nightmare” 

“LA has brown-outs now. Could you imagine when everyone gets home from work and plugs in ? Power-outage.”

“Another thing that’s being peddled is that it costs nothing to charge an EV. Perhaps it isn’t as expensive to charge an EV as it is to buy gas (comparing EV mile to gas mile cost), but it isn’t free. It’s not carbon free, either. Electricity must be generated…by COAL” 

“That many people plugging in at once will cause rolling brown outs to rolling blackouts. These happen in summer in some metropolitan areas due to air conditioners. Charging cars will be worse”

Indeed. Electric cars are a great idea. But, for now, they’re impractical. The leftists pushing them might not want to remember that, but it sure is the truth, as the viral tweet points to.

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2 years ago

EV’s are still a nice dream, but even Musk himself says drill baby, drill, because the grid won’t support the power demand for one, and for another astute motorists are unlikely to give up reliable transportation even at $5/gal. Air up the tires, change that air filter, clean plugs etc.

2 years ago


2 years ago
Reply to  ROSE

I have a disabled friend who is canceling doctor appts and such because she can’t afford the gas to get to them. Sad thing is, she’s bad bi-polar and struggles to stay out of a mental hospital. If she can’t get refills, she will be in the hospital at a very huge cost to everyone. But gas won’t be a problem. :/

If Biden wasn’t such a idiot, I’d think he is doing this on purpose and according to a plan. How can one person screw up so much so fast?

2 years ago
Reply to  rdalek

Does her insurance cover medical transportation. Some plans do.

2 years ago
Reply to  Surfer

She’s disabled and has Medicare and some medicaid. As far as I know, they don’t cover that.

Jacques MerdeD
Jacques Merde
2 years ago
Reply to  rdalek

it IS being done on purpose

Jacques MerdeD
Jacques Merde
2 years ago
Reply to  ROSE

I have a vespa… the better part of a 100 mpg… $5 fill up!

Jacques MerdeD
Jacques Merde
2 years ago

12 gauge long extension cords are expensive… I do not think the Frunk can hold 500 miles worth…