

Researchers Developing AI That Will Diagnose You With Mental Illness Based On Your Internet Posts

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An AI algorithm built by a liberal college will soon diagnose Internet users with mental disorders based on their online behavior.

The researchers have not stated what will happen to internet users who identify as “mentally sick” because they are sharing things that the AI model’s liberal creators think are unacceptable.

According to the liberal Dartmouth College, researchers have developed an artificial intelligence algorithm that detects mental problems based on Reddit discussions.

Critics of AI modeling argue it’s just another step toward implementing a social credit score, similar to China’s, in which citizens are manipulated. Others argue that the AI paradigm will allow individuals and internet users to be imprisoned in “cyber Gulags” for daring to challenge dominant media narratives.

The AI researchers, on the other hand, maintain that they are only attempting to “assist” humanity.

Social media offers an easy way to tap into people’s behaviors,” Xiaobo Guo, class of 2024 and co-author of the research paper, said. This is because social media is voluntary and public, he said. Reddit also has about half a billion active users who discuss a wide array of topics dating back to 2011, giving researchers ample data to draw on.

Xiaobo Guo wants to diagnose you mentally ill with his algorithms

DailyCaller report: What separates Dartmouth’s model from the many other similar developing technologies is that it analyzes emotions instead of the actual text of the online conversations, the college said.

Dartmouth associate professor and co-author of the paper Soroush Vosoughi explained that if a model learned to associate “COVID” with “sadness,” it would assume that the user has depression. Dartmouth’s model focuses solely on emotion, not the topic of the posts, he said.

The researchers focused on what they termed “emotional disorders,” including depression, anxiety and bipolar disorder. They did this by searching for users who self-reported their emotional disorders compared to users who did not have any known disorders, and then trained the model to recognize these “signature patterns.”

The model can identify an emotional disorder by comparing the user’s “fingerprint” to established “signatures” of emotional illnesses, the college said.

The researchers then tested posts not used in training, and the model was able to accurately predict if the user had any of these disorders.

Guo said using digital screening tools can prompt people to get the help they need to address mental illnesses.

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Big Island Haole
Big Island Haole
2 years ago

Subjective False science and when applied it’s treason against ones political enemies. Don’t call them health they are political science not medical science.
This is quackery to purge patriots.

America has Justified Anger right now.

2 years ago

Xiaobo Guo SHOULD suk my dik.!!