
Trudeau Tucks Tyrannical Tail, Drops Emergencies Act

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(Mark Pellin, Headline USA) Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, slumping under the weight of a Freedom Convoy that refused to be curbed, announced Wednesday that the trucker protests, which he only last week insisted was a dangerous threat to democracy, is no longer a threat and that he was rescinding the Emergencies Act martial law that he used to harass and arrest peaceful protestors, confiscate private property and freeze bank accounts.

“The situation is no longer an emergency,” Trudeau said, according to the CBC.

“We are confident that existing laws and bylaws are now sufficient to keep people safe.”

Similar to leftists in blue states across America disingenuously following the so-called science to justify oppressive COVID mandates and restrictions, only to at the drop of a hat, and plummeting poll numbers, follow the same unchanged science to lift the mandates, Trudeau’s abrupt change in attitude was lambasted by critics.

“Today’s announcement is proof that the prime minister was wrong when he invoked the Emergencies Act,” said Conservative interim leader Candice Bergen.

“Nothing has changed between Monday and today other than a flood of concerns from Canadian citizens, bad press, and international ridicule.”

Part and parcel of rescinding the Emergencies Act, officials have begun lifting the freeze on bank accounts they said were being used to support the Freedom Convoy and its supporters who were protesting Trudeau’s tyrannical COVID mandates and restrictions, reported The Blaze.

Canadian Assistant Deputy Minister of Finance Isabelle Jacques said about 210 accounts were frozen with about $8 million in funds.

“The vast majority of accounts are in the process of being unfrozen, subject to any new information that the [Royal Canadian Mounted Police] may have,” said Jacques.

Trudeau said his decision to drop the Emergencies Act was made after consulting with police, which told the government they can prevent further disruptions under normal laws, the CBC reported.

Trudeau said an inquiry into the government’s decision to invoke the act and subsequent police actions will begin within 60 days.

Not everyone is convinced.

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