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Watch: Liberal Students Take A Page From Nazi Germany And Destroy Hundreds Of Books From ‘Colonizers’ (AKA, ‘White People’)

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Far-left high school students at North Allegheny Senior High School in Wexford, Pennsylvania, have published a video in which they “decolonize” the school library by destroying hundreds of books authored by white writers.

Under the title “reshelving the coloniser’s literature,” high school students “re-shelve” books by white writers by discarding them in a garbage bin.

The unsettling event demonstrates how modern liberals have slowly turned in to illiberal fascist despots.

The resemblance to Nazi book burning is astounding.

Books were one of Adolf Hitler’s and the Nazis’ initial targets. This started in 1933, not long after Hitler took power in Germany. He instructed the regime’s officials to seize and burn any book that was considered subversive to the National Socialist program.

The destruction of these books was done in a ceremonial manner. Citizens were invited to witness public book burnings.

Some things remain constant. Today, we have young leftists on Twitter and TikTok, yearning for their fifteen minutes of fame, openly trashing material they deem dangerous to their socialist cause.

For decades, liberals have relished smearing their opponents with the term “Nazi.” Mindless lefties constantly likened President Trump to Adolf Hitler. His fans were frequently referred to be Nazis. Is there any validity to these parallels, though?

According to Marion Ingeborg Andrews, a real-life survivor of Hitler’s Germany, who gave entitled liberals a significant reality check when she said that liberals are the radical group that most closely resembles the Nazis she grew up with.

IJR spoke with Marion Ingeborg Andrews, who goes by Inga. She was born in Dusseldorf, Germany, in 1940 during Hitler’s reign of terror. While most American kids were playing with friends, Andrews was hiding in air raid shelters and helping to clean up the rubble from destroyed buildings to rebuild her city.

Inga Andrews said:

What is going on in this country is giving me chills. Trump is not like Hitler. Just because a leader wants order doesn’t mean they’re like a dictator.

“What reminds me more of Hitler than anything else isn’t Trump, it’s the destruction of freedom of speech on the college campuses — the agendas fueled by the professors.

“That’s how Hitler started, he pulled in the youth to miseducate them, to brainwash them, it’s happening today.”

“I see what is happening here reflecting some of the things we saw in Germany, and it’s terrifying. It’s sad. But it’s not because of Trump. It’s because of poor education.

“Trump is not like Hitler. The theory that he is is propaganda. Yes, I lived through some of Nazi Germany, but all you have to do is read some books about that period to see how wrong that theory is.”

Andrews drove home her point further for the younger generation:

It saddens me that we are teaching garbage in the schools and in the college. We don’t teach history anymore. History repeats itself over and over.

“The kids out there today haven’t ever lived through a war like I did. I remember sitting in a rock pile, cleaning rocks, to rebuild Germany. I remember eating maple leaves and grass to survive.”

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Lindsay Zipprich
Lindsay Zipprich
2 years ago

Hopefully most of them got the COVID bioweapon death shots. That would eliminate many of them in a short time frame.

PJ London
PJ London
2 years ago

I suggest that the readers learn to look at alternative sources for all their stories, including this one.
The facts were that a school librarian was expecting more books, needed to clear some shelves to make space and told a couple of students to throw these books in the dumpster. The students in fact went through the books and saved some of them for themselves.
They put up a twitter feed mocking the BLM and Left meme, but of course Sarcasm is way beyond the grasp of 90% of Americans.
They posted pictures of the books and most were non-fiction. The others were a broad cross section of old and damaged books.
You got pranked you dummies.

☕️ Stephanie Bogard ??
☕️ Stephanie Bogard ??
2 years ago
Reply to  PJ London

Source : trust me bro.

I have actually SEEN similar scenes multiple times, it happens very often for real.
Keep lying as much as you want, it’s just not working anymore.

PJ London
PJ London
2 years ago

Hey dummy I put up the source.
I personally have given away thousands of books that I have read and collected over the years.
(I have never thrown them away but put them on a table and they were gone in a couple of days.)

Watch WOKE Students “Decolonize” Their School Library by Throwing Away Books by White Authors

PJ London
2 days ago
Can’t any of the commenters read, or do they just jump from the headline to the comments? (That is a rhetorical question.)
I don’t believe that ANY book should EVER be discarded or destroyed. It is like a self administered Lobotomy, however when the school decides to discard rather then to build more shelves, what can a kid do but make a joke of it.
What any self-respecting Librarian should have done is put all the books on a table at the school gate and allowed anyone, pupil or public, to take them.
You will note that the kids took books for themselves rather than discard all of them, thereby demonstrating much more intelligence than most of the commenters.

Schools get rid of old books. (all the time)
Some of the books are “not woke”.
I grew up in a time when “The Communist Manifesto” and “Black Beauty” were both banned.
Get a life.

2 years ago
Reply to  PJ London

Ever think they are destroying books about our founding and government and replacing them with alternative leftists books or black-authored books that aspire to telling our children that America was founded on slavery or that we should hate those who founded America (white men)? They don’t teach government or history classes anymore. New educational textbooks are rewriting our history. Government and the history of America used to HAVE to be in the curriculum! Even new citizens know more about America that the average person in the street. As long as they can get a hold of our children they can do what Hitler did to their youth in Germany: forced them to join Hitler’s youth camps or be sure children don’t think, just follow their secularists and liberal agenda like good little robots.

2 years ago
Reply to  savetheusa2

Don’t worry, if these young stupid traitors move to other nations like third world places, they will want to leave in a big hurry! They are brainwashed because they want to be brainwashed.

2 years ago

Stephanie that isn’t a Mexican flag, what flag is it? Maybe you should move to the nation it belongs in? You won’t be missed.

2 years ago

why not use the books written by people of color instead of burning books written by white people?? is it because books written by people of color are inaccurate and just pure bs?

2 years ago
Reply to  A.M. Smith

They can try to erase white history, but they can’t. I laugh when I see these creepy libs knocking down statues of Robert E. Lee and others like him. If they knew the history of these real men, it would make them feel ashamed of being the puny cowardly jerks they really are! Robert E. Lee was a great man. And I’m sure he didn’t invent slavery.

2 years ago

Oh, the power of destroying the printed word. Not. Think of how many copies are online and around the world and stored at the Copywrite offices.
What insane people do in an insane world is insane meaningless things. So why not cover what sane people do in an insane world?

tom ambrosia
tom ambrosia
2 years ago

I suggest we take all of these kids, teachers and all, put them on a boat, strip them of USA citizenship and ship their sorry asses to South America to live the socialist life and see how they enjoy it.

2 years ago

I grew up in white European America and my family was from the Natives of New Mexico! I know there were horrible wars and both sides suffered greatly but my family was extremely happy in European America because it was a great nation to live in! We had homes and great food, cars and great jobs, and my relatives made great friends with the Anglo’s! My mother told me that there was only one black man living in that part of New Mexico and no one mistreated him. These young white people are totally brainwashed in a bad way!