

Hungarian Scientists Find Absolute Proof That COVID Originated In Chinese Lab

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If there were any doubt left about COVID-19’s Chinese lab origins, Hungarian scientists have found evidence to put them to bed.

Scientists in Hungary have found a unique coronavirus variant in DNA in soil from Antarctica showing that COVID came from a Chinese lab. The scientists also discovered genetic information from Chinese hamsters and green monkeys, that could indicate that the virus was tested in a laboratory, possibly using the animals or their cells.

Scientists have discovered signs of coronavirus, which could support the notion that the pandemic started with a laboratory breach, reported DailyMail.

The finding, based on soil specimens, implies that coronavirus does not spontaneously move from wildlife to humans.

However, further information is required, especially regarding when the virus entered the samples.

While analysing DNA from Antarctica soil which had been delivered to the Shanghai firm Sangon Biotech, researchers in Hungary discovered indications of a novel type of coronavirus.

The scientists also discovered genetic information from Chinese hamsters and green monkeys, that could indicate that the virus was tested in a laboratory, possibly using the animals or their cells.

Some supporters of the lab leak theory believe that Chinese scientists created the virus in a laboratory to render it more hazardous before it emerged as part of an experiment.

The existence of ‘three key [Covid] mutations’ that are diagnostic of the virus’s initial sequences, according to Viscount Ridley, author of Viral: The Search for the Origin of Covid-19, might corroborate the lab leak explanation.

The results should be read with caution, as the soil DNA might have been infected with the virus by the first Covid patients, who’d been identified by China in December 2019.

The soil specimens were sent to Sangon Biotech in the same month, but it is unclear when they were examined.

The results, which came from Budapest’s Eotvos Lorand University and the University of Veterinary Medicine, were posted online and has yet to be fully vetted by other researchers.

Professor Jesse Bloom of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Centre in Seattle, Washington, re-ran the Hungary data to establish that the virus was present in the Antarctic specimens. However, he stated that the ‘ultimate implications remain unclear.’

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2 years ago

Antarctica? Hungarian scientists?
Sheesh. What next?
I think tons of documentation about C-19 in not only Kennedy’s book, “The Real Anthony Fauci”, but also from medical techs and highly skilled microbiologists that show a trail from US labs to Ukraine [see Stew Peter’s shows] are far more convincing.
Nice try. No sale.

david russell
david russell
2 years ago

Does it matter at this point? I’ve known this all along. China will pay no penalty for this, and indeed comes out strong, while we come out weak. It’s almost like they released the virus deliberately. But then it’s almost like the Feds are in bed with the Mexican drug cartels…. they sure act like they are.

Harry Schneider
Harry Schneider
2 years ago

COVID is a bioweapon developed by China & USA.