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Crooked Hillary Is DEFINITELY Going To Prison According To Newly Released Video From President Trump

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President Trump issued a new video titled “Justice is Coming for Hillary” on Wednesday, in which he vowed that the twice-failed presidential candidate will be imprisoned very soon.

Last week, Special Counsel John Durham issued a shocking report detailing how Hillary Clinton and her henchmen unlawfully hacked the White House and spied on Donald Trump while he was President.

The video below shows how Hillary Clinton sought to deceive the people while committing treason by collaborating with the corporate media: reports: Trump spokesperson Liz Harrington posted this cartoon tonight from The Spectator.

President Trump is also attacking the fake news media that refuses to report the truth on the biggest political scandal in US history.

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bankrupted taxpayer
bankrupted taxpayer
2 years ago

law does not apply
to unaccountable taxpayer funded govt employees. .

tom ambrosia
tom ambrosia
2 years ago

Clintons Obama et al are private citizens so if someone were to wack them say hire some illegals or MS13 (check with a good criminal defense lawery) it is a state crime since they are no longer covered by the fed law for fed employees or elected officials. once out of office they are fair game.

The Clintons, Obamas, Bidens, Pelosi, Watters, Salwell, et al, will never be prosecuted so if you want them to pay, wack the sum of bitches.
I urge all SS agents to stand down your lives are more damn valuable than any of these bastards
If I was a SS agent guarding these buggers, trust me 1st sound shots i am poushing that beach in front of me, no friggin way I am going to take a bullet for these sog

2 years ago

Its about time old Teflon Hilliary gets her come-upping after all the reputations and peoples lives this demon has ruined !!!!!

Michael Santarsiero
Michael Santarsiero
2 years ago

Nothing to see here, just move along. Hillary will never see the inside of a courtroom.

jacques merde
jacques merde
2 years ago

comment image

Wayne Gabler
Wayne Gabler
2 years ago

‘The Donald’ had 4 years to do that, and he did squat. How much has he donated to the Clinton Foundation in the ‘pay-to-play’ scam??

bankrupted taxpayer
bankrupted taxpayer
2 years ago

where will the trillions and trillions in higher taxes needed to fund this massive debt come from ?

2 years ago

Like all Rockefellers, Hillary is protected by the prince of darkness. Hillary is rumored to be an illegitimate daughter of the late David R. She will not go to jail, and neither will her cousin “husband” Clinton, rumored to be an illegitimate son of Winthrop R.

Marion Aird
Marion Aird
1 year ago
Reply to  Bob


Marion Aird
Marion Aird
1 year ago

Trump has NOT been POTUS since January 2021!