

Crooked Hillary May Actually Face Prison As Her ‘Safety Net’ Disappears

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How have Bill and Hillary Clinton avoided prosecution for so long?

Bill was…well, he can’t keep his pants on and was friends with Epstein, both of which aren’t good qualities if you don’t like the look of a jail cell. Hillary had the whole email thing, the Benghazi massacre, and now this whole “spying on Trump while he was president” thing. Both were involved with the Whitewater scandal and other less than above board situations.

But despite all that, both remain free and clear of any jail cell. Unlike their political enemies, many of whom go the way of the dodo (Epstein) or get caught up in some sort of undeserved trouble (Trump), the dynamic duo has managed to skate out of many a situation that others would have gotten bogged down in. Why?

Because they’re rich leftists, of course! Were they poor leftists, like the crack addicts Brandon wanted to hand Hunter’s crack pipe to, they probably would have been locked up by now. Rape, flagrant violations of law, and getting Americans killed in Libya don’t typically pan out well for normal people. We peons have to “obey the law” or we “face the consequences.” Rich ones like Epstein and the Clintons skate out of it.

But, were the second part not also true, were they not leftists, well that wouldn’t go well either. Remember all the people attacked by Obama’s IRS? Remember the year that seems like a decade ago when Trump was president for one term and faced two impeachments and countless lawsuits? That happened because they were Republicans; deplorables can’t slip off the law enforcement hook in the same way that Democrats can.

BUT, and this is a major “but,” that only works so long as you’re in the left’s good graces. To slip away, you need the covering fire of the media, Democratic reps, and the vast mob of dispossessed leftists that always has time to protest and never seems to work. Without those tools of the trade, well, you might as well be a Republican!

And Hillary is falling out of the good graces of the left. As Wayne Dupree puts it:

That net includes the fact that she’s such always been a powerful person and she and Bill held such high positions within the government. They were also “mover and shakers” in the Dem Party And Hillary had the support of the base. But times they are a-changin’ and Hillary’s biggest safety net – the Democrat voters – just broke.

After all the big bombshell reports that came out over the weekend about Hillary’s campaign actually paying teams to spy on President Trump, a majority of Democrats are now saying they want Hillary Clinton investigated for “Russiagate.”

Yes, you heard that right… Dems want her investigated.

Those comments are based on a recent poll that found that nearly three out of four Americans following the Durham story think it’s important prosecutors investigate Clinton for her role in the Russiagate scandal along with her top campaign advisers. 

Yes, really. According to the NYP, nearly 75% of America wants Clinton investigated. Her shield, her safety net, is gone; she committed one crime too many.

Without all the Democratic firepower and support, Hillary might as well be you or me. She needs it to stay out of jail and, without the vast blob of Democrat public opinion on her side, she’s up a creek without a paddle. As Durham starts indicting the people involved with Russiagate, keep a close eye on Hillary: the magic barrier keeping her out of jail might have just disappeared.

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2 years ago

So far all I see are wishful thinking. I can’t believe anyone a crooked as she is is that smart. Maybe she has a lot of dirt on too many other people.

tom ambrosia
tom ambrosia
2 years ago

I am asking everyone to change your ring tones to Ding Dong the Wicked Witch is dead. Play this and all when piglosi, clintons et al are dead. For the male bastards play the ring tone for If I Hadda Brain. This esp. applies to the senile shite in his pants Joey Biden from Scranton PA. I pray every family who has someone putting their lives at risk to protect any current or present office holder from biden on down and that goes for judges, force them to resign. Their lives are worth more than these creeps.

tom ambrosia
tom ambrosia
2 years ago

No judge or jury. Just execute them and their spouses and all involved including the likes of sorros and sons, gates, bezos etc.

Gordo k
Gordo k
2 years ago

As Dan Bongino always says, the left always eats their own when things get tough. Someone has to go under the bus, looks like it will be Hillary. Hilarious.

2 years ago

You cuckedout MAGAtarded jizzgargling choadchokers will believe anything. So gullible.

2 years ago

No way, she has the dirt on all of them in both parties. Wake me if they do.

Justin Thought
Justin Thought
2 years ago

Gen-Z will grow old and long in the tooth before this well-connected lifetime criminal faces any charges against her. She, like her criminal vacuum cleaner pedo-“husband,” have a Teflon coating an inch thick.

2 years ago

Great. She is way too old and ugly to be president, but not prison. She would fit in well in prison waiting her death sentence.