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CNN Compares Joe Rogan Using The N-Word To The Rwanda Genocide And Jan 6 — ‘He Must Face Serious Punishment!’

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“​Genocide is a worst-case scenario,” concedes CNN’s John Blake in an article about Joe Rogan that is taking the internet by storm. Published by CNN under the headline “Joe Rogan’s use of the n-word is another January 6 moment” it is a perfect distillation of the clown show that CNN has become.

Note that the concession isn’t that genocide is not a potential outcome of Joe Rogan’s podcast, but only that it’s the “worst-case scenario.” It comes after the author compares Rogan’s past instances of saying the n-word were compiled out of context and put in a video by an extreme activist group that is behind the attempted cancellation in the first place.

As you can see from the headline, Blake predictably related Rogan to January 6, which is a catch-all phrase for Democrats, the press, and progressives online to tar anything they want to tar. It’s the same as when they cry “racist” any time any person on the left is criticized, regardless of the races involved. And yes, that means the left will call a black conservative racist for criticizing a white progressive.

This article follows that insane mentality to its illogical but inevitable conclusions and was appropriate ripped to pieces by people on Twitter, not that it will make an iota of difference.

David Reaboi has the million dollar question:

Feel free to answer it below. Or give us your Super Bowl picks (although we will also have a Super Bowl open thread later.)

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2 years ago

Rwanda, huh? They went there, huh? Maybe this Joe fella needs to go dig up the information about Slick Willy Clinton and his CIA buddies’ role and the reason why they hooked up the Rwanda genocide. I’ll give you a hint…..Cobalt mines in the eastern Democratic Rebublic of the Congo. The info I found on the subject is what made me despise the CIA and Slick Willy and his whore wife.

Paul Franken
Paul Franken
2 years ago

The return of Jim Crow laws and the 1924 Immigration Act could be the two best ‘events’ to happen to America….comment image

Jethro d'Beaudin
Jethro d'Beaudin
2 years ago

Joe Rogan’s biggest sin is obliterating CNN and the other former-mainstream media outlets.

CNN is a husk of its former self, even as a left wing megaphone. At least 1/3 of Democrats watch Fox now. lol.

Macho Mann
Macho Mann
2 years ago

Shhhh ? quiet everybody. The moral compass over at CNN is spewing wisdom again…

BUCK Foe Jiden ?