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Freedom Truckers Score MAJOR Victory As Ontario Premier Forced To End Vaccine Passports

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The thousands of truckers across Canada protesting Justin Trudeau’s fascist mandates have scored a major victory as Ontario Premier Doug Ford was forced to do a U-turn.

Ford called supporters on Thursday to inform them that the province’s vaccination passport program is going to be scrapped.

The call was covertly recorded by one of the supporters and can be heard below. reports:

Ford starts his call by saying he had received “about 250 [messages] as of lunch today” asking him to scrap the passport.

“We’re pulling these passports. We’re going to get back to normal. I can’t get you the exact date, but it’s going to be very soon. I’ll be speaking over the next few days. Friday I’m going to put out a statement. Monday I’ll be giving some dates. And we’re going to move forward.”

The dramatic about-face from Ford comes as thousands of truckers across Canada have engaged in peaceful protests, including blocking the Ambassador Bridge between Detroit and Windsor.

Removing vaccine mandates and passports is a key demand of truckers. Public opinion has shifted dramatically during the past two weeks, with most Canadians now saying it’s time to end the lockdowns.


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