

Connecticut Middle School Busted Using Code Words To Teach Young Kids About Raunchy Sex Acts

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A middle school in Connecticut has been caught teaching young students on raunchy, sexually explicit subjects using code words.

Students at John F. Kennedy Middle School in Enfield, Connecticut recently got the ‘Pizza and Consent’ assignment, which included a space for the students to identify their favorite pizza toppings and sex activities, with the following examples: Likes: Cheese Equals kissing; dislikes: Olives = oral delivery.’

The eighth-graders were encouraged to “draw and color your favorite type of pizza” after learning the pizza-based code phrases. What is your favorite pizza style? What are your go-to toppings? What are some of your pizza pet peeves? Now reflect these choices in terms of sex.’

The kids were also asked to list their “wishes, desires, and limits.”

According to FOX News, once parents learned about the filthy coursework, the assignment was promptly removed from the Enfield School District’s website, and district officials now claim the entire affair was an innocent ‘mistake.’

The pizza-based sex material was provided to pupils “by accident,” according to school Superintendent Christopher Drezek, and the school is not part of a “secret cabal” aiming to “indoctrinate kids on something.”

DailyMail reports:

After the assignment was released in January, some parents took to social media to express their disgust with it.

One woman, only identified as ‘Amanda,’ posted a video to YouTube saying that if the Board of Education meeting on January 27 was held in-person, she would have asked: ‘Since when has it become acceptable for a teacher to ask a student what their sexual wants, desires and boundaries are?’

Others spoke out at another board meeting on Tuesday, with Jonathan Grande saying: ‘The assignment was crude, it lacked good taste,’ and Tracy Jarvis saying it ‘is prompting kids to become sexually active before their time.

‘Youth don’t even know how to navigate platonic relationships, so why introduce sexual relationships?’

‘We should not be encouraging youth to explore each other’s bodies with multiple partners in an open environment for any reason,’ she continued. ‘If somebody is doing that or asking them to do that they should tell a responsible adult, who then reports it.

‘I understand we need to teach kids boundaries,’  Jarvis said. ‘But you are giving them way more information than they are psychologically ready to handle at this ag.

‘By doing this, you open up doors for them to have partners that are older than them, increasing statutory situations,’ she claimed.

‘This has gone too far,’ she said, adding parents ‘will fight for the purity and protection of our children.’

And at the school board meeting on Tuesday, Superintendent Christopher Drezek again told parents it was ‘inadvertently’ sent out to the eighth-grad students.

‘The truth was it was a simple mistake,’ he said, according to FOX News. ‘And I know that there are some who may not believe that. I know there are some who don’t necessarily maybe want that answer.

‘In this particular case, I didn’t even get a chance,’ he said, ‘because the person who made the mistake jumped ahead of it before I was even notified that it had happened.’

Drezek then agreed with parents that the content was ‘inappropriate,’ but claimed there was no ‘hidden agenda.

‘There was no secret cabal to indoctrinate kids on something,’ he said. ‘They sent the wrong document. And I’m not going to perpetuate this story any longer on their behalf.

‘So that’s what happened, and none of us are happy that it happened,’ Drezek told parents, noting: ‘No one feels worse that it happened than the person that did it.’

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