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WATCH: Vaccine Police Are Hunting The Unvaccinated In Austria — ‘Show Me Your Papers!’

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The Covid police are coming, please have your papers ready.

According to reports, residents in Austria are being stopped on the street at random, pulled over in their cars at traffic stops, and forced to cooperate with the authorities’ vaccination status checks.

If someone is found to be unvaccinated or under-boosted, they will be fined immediately, with the penalty increasing with each ‘violation.’

A first ‘offense’ carries a punishment of €600 ($687), with future offenses carrying a fine of up to €3,400 ($3,890).

Summit report:

The Austrian government will check citizens’ vaccination status against their vaccine registry. Anyone found to not have two vaccines plus a booster will be punished accordingly.

The development confirms previous reports that the Austrian government will hire people to “hunt down vaccine refusers.”

Indeed, this is merely an official confirmation of what has already been happening in the country. After the government placed the unvaccinated under an unprecedented lockdown, footage emerged showing police patrolling shops and highways checking people’s vaccination status.

Days after imposing the lockdown on the unvaccinated, Austria hit a new COVID case record.

In addition, the Austrian government has shortened the period in which vaccinations remain valid, meaning citizens are required to receive their next dose 90 days earlier than previously.

SchengenVisaInfo News reports that “‘From February 1, 2022, two-dose vaccinations are only valid for 180 days in Austria (exception: 210 days for under 18-year-olds). However, for ENTERING, the 270 days remain in place. The booster vaccination is valid for 270 days in both scenarios,’” the Austrian authorities explained.”

The government has put a sunset on the law, for January… of 2024, meaning Austrians face at least another two years of COVID tyranny.

As we have previously reported, an amendment to the law could also see those who refuse to pay the fines for being unvaccinated imprisoned.

The amendment also orders people who are jailed to pay for their own imprisonment.

“If detention is carried out by the courts, the associated costs shall be recovered by the courts from the obligated party in accordance with the provisions existing for the recovery of the costs of enforcing judicial penalties,” it states.

No one will be “forcibly brought” to a vaccination center to get jabbed against their will, although rest assured, they will be “forcibly” placed behind bars if they continue to refuse.

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