
Pelosi’s Jan 6th Witch-hunt Committee Just Won’t Give Up — Now Subpoenas Peter Navarro

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Another person who was engaged in “legitimate political discourse” is now being subpoenaed by Pelosi’s hack January 6th committee:

NEWSMAX – The congressional committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol announced on Wednesday it had subpoenaed former White House trade adviser Peter Navarro, a key player in then-President Donald Trump’s effort to overturn his election defeat.

The House of Representatives committee said it is seeking records and deposition testimony from Navarro who, according to public reporting, interviews and his own book, was involved in efforts to delay Congress’ certification of the 2020 election.

“Mr. Navarro appears to have information directly relevant to the Select Committee’s investigation into the causes of the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol,” Rep. Bennie Thompson, the committee’s Democrat chairman, said in a statement.

“He hasn’t been shy about his role in efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 election and has even discussed the former President’s support for those plans,” Thompson said.

Navarro is playing it smart and using Trump’s invocation of Executive Privilege to keep from giving the hack committee anything:

In response to a request for comment, Navarro said Trump had claimed his communications while in the White House are protected by executive privilege. “President Trump has invoked c; and it is not my privilege to waive,” he said in a statement.

Here’s what this is all about:

The committee is aiming to release an interim report in the summer and a final report in the fall, a source familiar with the investigation said in December.

They are going to release this report twice, with the final version coming in the ‘fall’ for maximum effect, just a month or two before the election to be sure. After the election none of this will matter.

Let me go ahead and put this out there. The report won’t matter a hill of beans to most people and will have little effect on the elections, no matter how much the media obsesses over it.



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