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New Poll HUMILIATES Justin Trudeau After His ‘Fringe Minority’ Comment — 54% Of Canadians Want To END All Covid Restrictions

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A solid majority of Canadians want to end all covid restrictions and let people self-isolate if they’re at risk, according to a new poll from a major Canadian pollster.

“[I]n the past two weeks the number of Canadians saying they would like to see restrictions ended has risen by 15 percentage points, to a majority (54%),” the Angus Reid Institute reported on Monday.

“At least 34 per cent in every region disagree with this idea, but a majority in every region other than Atlantic Canada feel the time is now to open things up.”

In Quebec, 59% supporting ending restrictions versus only 34% who are opposed.

“The lone majority-dissenting age and gender group on this question are women over the age of 54. At least half of other cohorts – led by 35- to 54-year-old men – say restrictions should end,” Angus Reid noted.

The only demographic who want these restrictions to continue are elderly cat ladies who’ve swallowed the media’s propaganda and think they have a 50% or greater chance of being hospitalized if they catch this bug.

No wonder the media is ignoring this poll!

This is a complete disaster for Tin-pot Trudeau! No wonder he’s going crazy smearing them with every epithet in the book!

Who is the “fringe minority” now, Tin-pot?

What explains the massive shift in support for ending all covid restrictions?

Most likely widespread public support for the trucker protests and the relatively mild Omicron variant spreading like crazy among the fully vaccinated.

This poll should be blasted everywhere.

Well done, hero truckers!

Hold the line!

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