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Poll Shows Only 15% of Americans Support Sending U.S. Troops to Ukraine If Russia Invades

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After throwing open our own borders, the Biden regime is now looking to send our troops to fight and die in defense of Ukraine’s borders.

According to a new poll, he will have the support of only 15% of Americans if he puts boots on the ground in the case of a Russian invasion.

From Newsmax, “Poll: Voters Oppose War With Russia”:

Most voters oppose the idea of the United States putting troops on the ground in Ukraine in the event of a Russian invasion of the country, according to a new poll from the Trafalgar Group released on Friday.

The poll, which was conducted in partnership with the Convention of States Action, found that less than 1-in-5 support putting U.S. troops on the ground if Russia invades Ukraine, while less than 1-in-3 think that the U.S. should provide military advisers, weapons, or supplies.

Biden has put 8,500 troops on “high alert” for possible deployment to Eastern Europe, according to the latest reports.

He has also been sending Ukraine tons more so-called “lethal aid.”

The American people have no desire to risk the life of even a single U.S. soldier in this war and yet permanent Washington is lusting for World War III.

Every Neocon hack and Democrat shill who supports this war should pick up arms, get on a plane and go fight on the front lines themselves.

Not only would that receive widespread popular support but I’m sure the American people would be more than happy to crowdsource the money to send them all there!

Our troops should be defending our own border against the ongoing illegal alien invasion Biden’s handlers’ greenlit immediately after seizing power.

Ukraine doesn’t need our troops anyways, they have “Ukrainian women” ready to fight on the front lines, as the British Ambassador to Ukraine, Melinda Simmons, pointed out on Twitter!

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