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Parent Watchdog Group Catches Yet MORE Schools Pushing Transgender Materials.. On THREE-YEAR-OLD Kids

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Parents watchdog group Parents Defending Education (PDE) has warned that a school district in Minnesota is pushing transgender and “pride” books and materials on to children as young as three years old.

The group warns that Saint Paul Public Schools is allowing two separate organizations, called AMAZE and OutFront Minnesota, to push the materials in their schools.

The PDE shared a document that shows books titled “When Aidan Became a Brother,” (image below) “I Love My Colorful Nails” and “My Princess Boy” being given to preschoolers.

The books are all about young boys and girls transitioning or having feeling that they are different to their biological gender.

transgender agenda for 3 year olds

The handout created by AMAZE, also contains suggested activities for children labelled “Social-Emotional Learning and Anti-Bias Education.”

A further handout (image below) advises teachers to “Ask Students for Name and Pronouns” and to “Refer students to the Name / Gender Change Request Form.”

dcnf spps gender 1

In addition, OutFront Minnesota’s website is promoting schemes that provide free “chest binders” for “folks 24 and under” or for “any trans person who needs one and cannot afford or safely obtain one.”

Erika Sanzi, director of outreach for PDE stated that “It is especially egregious that after more than a year of disruptions and closures, the district is pushing ideologically driven content and resources on students and families.”

Sanzi further noted that “In the most recent round of state testing, 33 percent of St Paul students tested proficient in reading — down 6 points from 2019 — and 21 tested proficient in math, down 9 points.”

“It is one thing to treat all students with the dignity they deserve; it is quite another to be so far out of your lane that you are partnering with outside organizations that think it is appropriate to engage toddlers in conversations about gender identity and sexual orientation,” Sanzi added.

“How can a school district even defend spending time and money on this ideological garbage when 2/3 of their students can’t read on grade level and 80 percent aren’t proficient in math?” the PDE director urged.

As previously reported, the so called ‘Social Emotional Learning’ agenda is obsessed with encouraging kids that it is normal to have and to openly discuss mental health illnesses and to feel like they were born as the wrong gender.

Concerned parents across the country have slammed school officials for “promoting suicide” among children by amplifying the agenda.

Parents have also warned that “profiteer consulting groups” are being brought in by schools to replace traditional school counselors, prompting accusations that the SEL programmes have evolved into creepy corporate run indoctrination schemes.

The healthy contrast: Hungary Passed Law Banning Showing Children LGBTQ Propaganda & Cracked Down On Pedophilia.

PDE perviously noted that children as young as kindergarten age in other areas, specifically Connecticut, are being forced to learn about ‘social justice standards’ including transgenderism and gender identity.

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