

Dan Bongino Goes BERSERK After ‘Tyrannical’ YouTube Suspends His Account For Speaking Truth

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Dan Bongino was suspended and demonetized from YouTube last night as part of the seemingly never-ending Big Tech Purge, and he let them HAVE it.

Youtube has a covid “misinformation” policy that specifically disallows any suggestion that masks don’t work to prevent the spread of covid. Which is pretty interesting since the CDC like JUST said most masks are basically decorative and totally ineffective.

But they suspended Bongino anyway, and he tore them a NEW one.

Addressing the email to “Coco,” Dan writes, “I was sent your email about YouTube’s suspension of my channel. If I said I was surprised here I’d be lying. We knew it was just a matter of time before the tyrannical, free-speech hating, bull****, big tech ****hole you work for, would try to silence us. I anxiously waited for this moment however, as I’ve said on my show many times.”

“Thankfully, I’m one of the investors in Rumble, a video platform that respects free-speech,” he added. I’m glad he pointed it out.

Here’s the image and the tweet. If you prefer to check out his Parler post, it’s here – but still not embeddable.

You can’t say masks don’t work. You can’t SAY THAT. You can’t SAY something without the people who control the information – who also control everything else and make money from it – shutting you down.

The world is coming to a breaking point.



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