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Dr Fauci Contradicts Biden And Admits We Will NEVER ‘Eradicate’ COVID-19: ‘We Just Have To Live With It’

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The Presidents chief medial adviser Dr Anthony Fauci claims that that the world will not “eradicate” the coronavirus, despite Biden’s previous vow to defeat the virus. 

During his presidential campaign, President Biden vowed he would defeat the virus, but Fauci thinks we’ll only ever be able to ‘control’ it.

Breitbart reports that Fauci made the remarks during Wednesday’s press briefing by the White House COVID-19 Response Team and public health officials, discussing the reduced severity of the omicron variant of the virus.

“So, if we’re going to look ahead at what happens when this peaks and it ultimately goes down — as I’ve said on previous pressers here from the White House: that we’re not going to eradicate this,” Fauci proclaimed.

“We’ve only done that with smallpox. We’re not going to eliminate that; that only happens with massive vaccination programs like we did with measles and with vaccines. But we ultimately will control it,” he said, previewing a world where individuals learn to deal with the virus, yet failing to mention that public health officials have largely made that a difficult feat, given the initial months of lockdowns and subsequent restrictions nearly two years later.

“And if you control it in a way it’s at a such a low level, and people are vaccinated and boosted, sooner or later, as we begin to live with it, what she was referring to is that virtually everybody is going to wind up getting exposed and likely get infected,” Fauci continued.

“But if you’re vaccinated and if you’re boosted, the chances of you getting sick are very, very low. That’s what she was referring to,” he said, referencing remarks from Dr. Janet Woodcock, who spoke at a Senate hearing this week.

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