

WATHC: Iran’s Supreme Leader Publishes Video Showing Trump’s Assassination

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Iran’s Supreme leader is still furious about Trump’s ordering of the assassination of Qasem Soleimani and is now posting animated videos of him dreaming about Iran’s secret agents assassinating Trump via a drone while he plays golf at Mar-a-lago:

It was an awesome show of strength and force that Trump took out Soleimani and I love the fact that Khamenei still has a stick in his craw about it. He can’t stand that Trump got his top terrorist and he has no way of getting even.

What’s also hilarious is that when Khamenei put up a statue honoring Soleimani in Iran a few days ago, it was torched within hours:

A statue that was erected to honor Qassem Soleimani, the former commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps Quds Force who was killed by U.S. forces in 2020, was torched hours after it was unveiled last week in Iran.

“The six-meter high statue was set on fire hours after its official unveiling in Shahrekord, near Esfahan, where it was installed to commemorate the commander, who was killed by a US drone in Baghdad two years ago,” The Telegraph reported. “The perpetrators were unknown, said Mohammad Ali Nekonam, a provincial representative of Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, calling it a ‘brazen act’ of desecration.”

Senior Islamic cleric Mohammad Ali Nekounam said “this treacherous crime was carried out in darkness, just like the other crime committed at night at Baghdad airport.”

They probably think Trump sent rogue military agents to assassinate the statue as well. LOL.



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