

Fauci Tells Vaxxed Americans: Stay At Home and Avoid Those Unvaxxed Mutants On The Streets

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Dr. Anthony Fauci warned millions of fully vaccinated Americans on Sunday to stay at home and avoid venturing outside due to the ‘swarms’ of unjabbed mutants roaming the streets.

During an interview with CNN, host Dana Bash asked, “How should vaccinated and boosted people behave? Can they go out into a restaurant, eat safely indoors right now?”

Fauci responded, “You know when you’re having I call it a tsunami of infections, Dana. We are seeing people who are vaccinated and boosted who are getting breakthrough infections. So when you’re in a situation when you have so many infections going on the thing that you want to say is that if you want to do things like that, better do them in a setting where you know the people around you are vaccinated.”

“That’s the reason why I’ve been saying when asked about the holiday season, the safest thing to do is to be in a home setting, friends, relatives who you know are vaccinated and boosted,” Fauci declared.

He went on, “If you want to go the extra step of safety, then get a quick antigen test, which will give you an extra degree of safety. What you want to avoid are places where you have 20, 30, 40, 50 people, many of whom you have no idea of whether or not they’re vaccinated or boosted. That’s more risky than the home setting.”

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