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Biden FINALLY Accepts Defeat — Announces He Can’t Beat COVID

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Resident Joe Biden did a complete 180 on Monday by announcing that “there is no federal solution” to covid.

GOP Governors Ron DeSantis and Greg Abbott called for Biden to end his federal mandates now that he’s admitted his own failure.

From The Daily Mail, “Now get rid of your mandates, Joe: Ron DeSantis’ office joins Kristi Noem and host of Republicans demanding Biden get rid of ‘useless’ sweeping nationwide rules after he admitted there was ‘no federal solution’ for COVID”:

DeSantis’ spokesperson told that the president is ‘abdicating responsibility and shifting blame’ to the states.

‘More Americans have died of COVID-19 under Biden than under Trump. Now that Biden has admitted to the nation that he has no plan to “shut down the virus,” and that there is “no federal solution,” we expect him to withdraw the unconstitutional and useless federal vaccine mandates,’ DeSantis’ office said.

Biden notably promised to ‘shut down the virus’ on the 2020 presidential campaign trail. Now just over a year later, the new Omicron variant is fueling another wave of new infections, Biden’s vaccine order is facing legal roadblocks, and his administration’s delayed response in rolling out COVID-19 tests is under fire.

DeSantis’ office also recalled Biden’s message to Republican governors in August who were blocking mask and vaccine mandates: ‘Please help. But if you aren’t going to help, at least get out of the way.’

Covid cases are hitting new records and Democrats are shifting to saying we should just accept it and move on with life.

Here’s a look back at some of the lies we were told about the shots’ supposed effectiveness at stopping transmission.

We may finally turn a corner with this crap as the endless failures continue to stack up.

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