

WATCH: Remember When They Said ’15 Days to Slow The Spread’…

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How can anyone look back at how the narrative has shifted over the past two years and not realize what a transparent scam this all is?

This Twitter user’s edits are excellent retrospectives.

This retrospective from the GOP is pretty funny, even though it has the idiotic message that “Dems R The Real Anti-Vaxxers.”

With cases surging among the double and triple vaxxed, the latest narrative shift from the regime is that we have to “learn to live with” covid, get endless boosters and focus on “severity instead of case numbers.”

From CNN, “Biden admin eyes a potentially stark shift in messaging around ending the pandemic”:

A shift toward focusing on severity instead of case numbers

Some of Biden’s advisers are encouraging the administration to begin discussing publicly how to live alongside a virus that shows no signs of disappearing, a potentially stark shift in messaging for a White House that once touted “freedom from the virus.”

Steering public attention away from the total number of infections and toward serious cases only — as some Biden advisers have encouraged — could prove a challenge after nearly two years of intense focus on the pandemic’s every up and down. It is a part of a growing conundrum that Biden faces as the Covid-19 pandemic refuses to abate.

“We’re getting to the point now where … it’s about severity,” said Xavier Becerra, the secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services, in a meeting with reporters this week. “It’s not about cases. It’s about severity.”

Becerra said the issue recently arose during a meeting at the White House with Biden’s Covid response team. Other officials also said the issue of how to refocus the public away from total cases toward the severity of illness has been an ongoing subject of discussion within the administration.

Per usual, purebloods are going to be scapegoated for all the regime’s failure:

From Information Liberation - READ ORIGINAL

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