

New Poll Finds Trump Is Now More Admired Than Both Biden And The Pope

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A new poll has found that Donald Trump is more popular and more admired than both Pope Francis and Joe Biden.

The survey, conducted by YouGov, places Trump at number 13 as the world’s most admired man, with the Pope below him at 16 and Biden further down in 20th place.

Trump’s prominent position in the poll is particularly impressive given the relentless smear campaigns against him by the mainstream media. reports: Indeed, the top three remains unchanged, with Chinese President Xi Xinping at number 3 and Bill Gates at number 2, despite the fallout from Gates’ notorious divorce.

Michelle Obama remains the world’s most admired woman, with actress Angelina Jolie bizarrely keeping her place at number 2 above the likes of the Queen of England and Malala Yousafazi.

Perhaps emphasizing the dubious nature of the survey, Kamala Harris, who has an favorability rating of just 40 per cent, is in 11th place just above Hillary Clinton, who is in 12th position.

Trump is once again expected to run for president in 2024, with Hillary Clinton complaining that another win for the Donald would mean “the end of democracy.”

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