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Media SILENT As Hundreds of Thousands of Australian Workers RISE UP In Revolt Against ‘New World Order’ Vaccine Mandates

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Hundreds of thousands of Australian workers took to the streets over the weekend to protest the “New World Order” vaccinate mandates as local government’s across the country continue to destroy civil liberties.

In Melbourne, protesters gathered outside parliament on Sunday, marching through the city center. Protestors could be heard chanting “my body, my choice” and “sack Dan Andrews,” as they peacefully protested against the draconian restrictions. reports: Andrews, who has been in office since 2014, has drawn ire for his new public health laws. Passed earlier this month, they give Victoria’s government more leeway in imposing lockdowns at the regional level. Last month, the authorities put in place a sweeping vaccine mandate that included a very broad list of workplaces where vaccination would be compulsory, essentially covering almost all employees in the state.

The ‘Freedom Rally’ passed almost without incident under the watchful eye of police. One 59-year-old woman was arrested for assaulting an officer. Verbal altercations between the protesters and bystanders were reported by the Australian media. Water was also reportedly poured on the procession from high-rise apartment buildings.

Some of those who assembled had brought along their children – a move the organizers of the event had called for.

Melbourne has been a hotspot of anti-mandate protests in Australia of late, with demonstrators taking to the streets on a weekly basis. Similar scenes played out on Sunday in Sydney, Australia’s most populous city, where people voiced concerns over vaccine mandates for healthcare and education workers in the state of New South Wales.

Ahead of the reopening of Queensland’s border to only vaccinated travelers from other states, anti-mandate rallies across the region also drew several thousand activists.

The protests come amid reports of dozens of Omicron cases being detected across Australia, with the federal authorities shortening the waiting time before a booster dose can be administered from six to five months.

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