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Top Democrats Are Finally Turning Against Biden’s Tyrannical Mandate: “Enough Is Enough!”

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Democratic Senator Joe Manchin has spoken out against Biden’s ‘unconstitutional’ vaccine mandates, warning that the draconian rule will destroy private businesses.

“In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic and as the new Omicron variant emerges, I will not vote to shut down the government for purely political reasons,” Manchin said in a statement Thursday. “There is too much at stake for the American people. But let me be clear, I do not support any government vaccine mandate on private businesses.”

“That’s why I have cosponsored and will strongly support a bill to overturn the federal government vaccine mandate for private businesses,” Manchin added.

“I have long said we should incentivize, not penalize, private employers whose responsibility it is to protect their employees from COVID-19. I have personally had both vaccine doses and a booster shot and I continue to urge every West Virginian to get vaccinated themselves.”

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