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WATCH: Ted Cruz Admits To LAUGHING At Fauci During Interview.. And Now He’s Explaining Why

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Last night Ted Cruz admitted on Hannity that he was laughing during Fauci’s long interview this weekend and explains why:

Cruz wasn’t laughing because Fauci was funny, he was laughing at the defense he was giving of himself because it was so ABSURD. Here’s what Cruz said:

You know this weekend he did this long interview where he gave the answer…he said “I represent science”, “I am science”. I gotta admit, I was laughing. It’s like Louis XIV, the Sun King in France, saying “I am the state!” It is this delusion of grandeur that you cannot criticize him.

Cruz ripped into Fauci hard, calling him the most dangerous bureaucrat in the history of the country and saying that his dishonesty has hurt the credibility of the CDC. He also pointed out Fauci’s lies about gain of function research and how Fauci’s interviewer this weekend, Margaret Brennan, failed to ask him about the blatant contradictions.



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