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WATCH: Steve Bannon Live Streams As He Turns Himself In After Dem’s Indictment — Sends A Message To Crooked Democrats

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Steve Bannon turned himself in to the feds this morning after Biden’s DOJ predictably went after him for refusing to comply with Nancy Pelosi’s hack Jan 6th committee subpoena:

Here’s more from the AP:

Steve Bannon, a longtime ally of former President Donald Trump, surrendered to federal authorities on Monday to face contempt charges after defying a subpoena from a House committee investigating January’s insurrection at the U.S. Capitol.

Bannon was taken into custody Monday morning and is expected to appear in court later in the afternoon. The 67-year-old was indicted on Friday on two counts of criminal contempt – one for refusing to appear for a congressional deposition and the other for refusing to provide documents in response to the committee’s subpoena.

Officials in both Democratic and Republican administrations have been held in contempt by Congress, but criminal indictments for contempt are exceedingly rare.

That’s right, they are exceedingly rare. It certainly didn’t happen to Lois Lerner or Eric Holder.

But this is about trying to undo the electoral damage Biden has done to the Democrat party and the only way they know to do that is by attacking Trump. So they’ll sick their political DOJ attack dogs on anything Trump in order to try and save themselves in 2022.

But it won’t work. They can keep scandalizing Jan 6th all they want, but the true scandal is what Biden is doing to this country and that’s what the American people are focused on.



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