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Cuomo Accuser Says She Was Propositioned For Sex Decades Ago by Gov. Bill Clinton

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One of former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo‘s sexual misconduct accusers also was allegedly solicited by former President Bill Clinton to join him in his hotel room while Clinton was governor of Arkansas, according to a new book.

Karen Hinton said that in 1984, Clinton—who had been married to Hillary Clinton for almost a decade at that point—slipped her a note in Greenville, South Carolina asking her to come to his hotel room.

“I felt like a fool, thinking this Governor wanted to hear my ideas about solving poverty,” Hinton wrote in Penis Politics, which is set to be released next month. “Humiliated, I tossed the napkin in a toilet, gathered my things, and got the hell out of the bar.”

The slip of paper contained “the name of his hotel, his room number, and a question mark,” Hinton said, according to the Washington Examiner.

It was clear Clinton was “asking for a night of sex,” said her book jacket.

Hinton admitted she already had felt uncomfortable around Clinton before he passed her the note because he would not stop staring at her, but that discomfort had “faded” as they talked about policy issues.

“For some reason, Clinton stared at me the entire time, even when [writer] Willie [Morris] was talking directly to him,” Hinton wrote.

“I tried to keep my eyes on Willie, and I darted my eyes back to Clinton only a few times,” she added. “I was thrilled that a governor found my policy ideas so interesting.”

Hinton has shared this story before. Investigative reporter Michael Isikoff even included it in his 1999 book, Uncovering Clinton.

Cuomo also acted inappropriately toward her, Hinton alleged. She is one of several former Cuomo staffers to accuse the New York Democrat of sexual misconduct. Cuomo allegedly summoned her to his hotel room and pulled her toward him, she said.

At least one of the complaints leveled against Cuomo has made its way to court. He was charged last week with a misdemeanor sex crime complaint, which could land him on a sex-offender registry if he is found guilty.

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