

WATCH: O’Keefe Calls Out FBI On Raid Of His Home and Explains What They Took

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James O’Keefe and his attorney appeared on Hannity last night to discuss the pre-dawn raid on his home and the items seized by the FBI.

Around a dozen FBI agents stormed O’Keefe’s house at 5 a.m., and used a battering ram to break down the door.

They cuffed him and threw him against the hallway, he said. They searched his flat and took his phone, which had a lot of his reporter notes, unconnected sources, and sensitive donor information.

It’s ridiculous that they can just take information from an undercover news organization.

There’s much more in the interview so be sure and watch the video below.

It’s worth noting that some people believe the whole diary thing was planned from the start. I have no idea if that is correct, but it wouldn’t surprise me.




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