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Dr. Fauci Lovingly Embraces Hillary Clinton at Funeral

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Dr. Anthony Fauci, who once confessed he loved Hillary Clinton, was seen lovingly embracing the twice-failed presidential candidate at a funeral on Friday.

Hillary Clinton and Dr. Fauci, two elitists who have done more to destroy this country than anybody else, greeted each other at the funeral for General Colin Powell. reports: Before losing to President Trump in the 2016 Election, Hillary started the rumors that Trump was colluding with Russians and pushed this story to the corrupt DOJ which then gladly ran with it for Trump’s entire term.  The story was a lie, which Hillary knew, and the corrupt US Intel agencies were happy to create the illusion that it was not and their efforts were legit.

Dr. Fauci as we all know, funded over 60 projects in Communist China, helping them with research and grants in how to create a lethal biological weapon.  They succeeded in this endeavor and dropped their weapon last year in an effort to kill the US economy and remove Trump from power.  To date there have been no repercussions for China or Fauci.

These two villains have done more to destroy America than most people living.  No wonder they are so happy to see each other.

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