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New Jersey Gov Race Is Insanely Close And It Should Scare The Hell Out Of Democrats For Their Future

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I never thought the New Jersey race for governor would be this competitive. Aa of now the race is still deadlocked with Philip Murphy only leading by around 6,000 votes and there’s been no call made yet:

Jack Ciattarelli led all night last night. It even looked like Bergen County, which borders New York City, had become blue. But as more votes came in the county flipped back to ‘light blue’ this morning.

I don’t expect Ciattarelli to pull this one out, but then again I never expected it to be this close.

Regardless of what happens now, I believe New Jersey’s razor tight race becomes part of the Republican narrative that should have Democrats shaking in their boots in 2022. It never should have been this close in a BLUE state!

The real victory was in Virginia, however, with Republicans winning across the board in the high profile races of Governor, Lt. Governor, and Attorney General. I believe we can say unequivocally that Virginia has returned to being a red state.



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