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Ted Cruz Introduces Brilliant Bill That Will END Illegal Immigration… By Sending Illegals to Towns of Rich White Liberals

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Ted Cruz has introduced a brilliant new bill that will end illegal immigration as we know it.   How, you ask?  By sending the illegals to towns where the rich Liberals live.

On Tuesday, Cruz introduced legislation that would relocate illegal immigrants to wealthy Democrat-controlled municipalities with a majority of white liberals.

“For the past ten months, President Biden and his administration have willingly surrendered the United States’ southern border to dangerous criminal cartels, with no thought given to the South Texas border communities like McAllen and Del Rio, which are running low on resources due to the massive influx of illegal immigrants,” Cruz said.

“That’s why today I am introducing this crucial legislation to alleviate the massive overload at the southern border by establishing new ports of entry in Democrat-led communities such as North Hero, Vermont, where Bernie Sanders spends his summers, and Martha’s Vineyard, where Democrat elites host their cocktail parties,” Cruz declared. reports: According to the law, 13 new ports of entry would be established in towns across the United States, and all illegal aliens apprehended at Border Patrol Sectors in Texas would be transported to one of the 13 new ports of entry for processing.

The following locations would be home to the thirteen new ports:

Block Island, Rhode Island

Greenwich, Connecticut

Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts

Cambridge (Massachusetts)

Governors Island, New York City

Rehoboth Beach, Delaware

Nantucket, Massachusetts

Newport, Rhode Island

Scarsdale, New York

Palo Alto, California

Yountville, California

St. Helena, California

North Hero, Vermont

Cruz stated that the Texas government was forced to proclaim a state of disaster and dedicate its law enforcement and financial resources to dealing with the problem. “Local Border Patrol Sectors in Texas continue to be overwhelmed by the volume of illegal aliens at the border. The Texas government has been forced to declare a state of disaster and provide its law enforcement and fiscal resources to address the crisis.”

Cruz reported that he encountered human traffickers and cartel members while traveling to the border in early March. One of his recordings showed him saying, “That’s Mexico and you can see there are three smugglers right there standing on the Mexican side looking at us.”

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