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Pope Francis Tells Big Tech: God Commands You To Shut Down Free Speech

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Pope Francis has announced that God wants Big Tech firms to scale up their censorship campaigns against independent content creators or they will suffer his wrath.

During a World Meeting of Popular Movements, a liberal organization dedicated to promoting “social justice” and combating “hate,” the Pope made the astonishing claims.

“In the name of God, I ask the technology giants to stop exploiting human weakness, people’s vulnerability, for the sake of profits without caring about the spread of hate speech, grooming, fake news, conspiracy theories, and political manipulation,” Francis declared.

Pope Francis also invoked the term “post-truth,” which was coined by establishment news outlets after they began to lose control of the narrative following Donald Trump’s election.

The Catholic leader apparently believes it’s Christian and Godly to empower giant corporations to shut down free speech.

This is no surprise given his previous stance on free speech in response to the slaughter of the Charlie Hebdo cartoonists, when he rhetorically sided with the terrorists who murdered them in cold blood.

As we document in the video below, which Pope Francis would surely love to see banned, the Supreme Pontiff smears his critics as performing “the work of the devil.”

In reality, his every action and position has served to further the anti-Christ globalist beast system for which he is a willing puppet.

No doubt the Pope would respond to such claims by characterizing them as “conspiracy theories” and “hate speech.”

Beginning to see how this works?

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