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WATCH: Fauci Officially Gives You Permission To Celebrate Christmas And Thanksgiving, But With One Condition..

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The great Dr. Anthony Fauci has formally given Americans permission to “enjoy Christmas and Thanksgiving with their families”…  but just as long as they’ve had their COVID shots.

“I believe strongly that particularly in the vaccinated people, if you’re vaccinated and your family members are vaccinated… that you can enjoy the holidays,” Fauci, the president’s chief medical adviser, told ABC News host Martha Raddatz.

“You can enjoy Halloween trick-or-treating, Thanksgiving with your family, and Christmas with your family,” he continued.

His holiday advice comes just two weeks after he claimed it was “too soon” to predict whether Americans will be able to assemble for Christmas.

His holiday recommendations come just two weeks after he said it was ‘too soon’ to say whether Americans could gather for Christmas.

As many noted, since when did Americans need Fauci’s permission to celebrate with their families?

RT reports: The controversial US authority on the Covid-19 pandemic reminded Raddatz that it’s important for Americans to get vaccinated against the virus not only for their own safety, but also for that of their families and neighbors. “When you do that, there’s no reason at all why you can’t enjoy the holidays in a family way, the way we’ve traditionally done it all along,” Fauci said.

Left unsaid was what the unjabbed Americans can do for the holidays – not that many were waiting for Fauci’s guidance on their party planning, judging by the reactions. Social media users blasted and mocked the notion that citizens of the so-called “land of the free” need the government’s permission to hold family Christmas and Thanksgiving gatherings. “I’m going to have a garden gnome in our yard this Christmas that looks just like Anthony Fauci but will have 10 times more intellectual capacity,” author Tony Shaffer said on Twitter.

Just a week ago, Fauci said in a CBS News interview that it was “just too soon to tell” if Americans can gather with their families on Christmas. Ironically, he told CNN the same day that it was acceptable to take children trick-or-treating, even though Halloween comes nearly two months before Christmas.

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