

WATCH: De Blasio Was PISSED After New Yorkers Chant ‘F**k You, You Piece of Sh*t’ During Columbus Day Parade

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New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio was left reeling during Monday’s Columbus Day Parade, as hundreds of protestors chanted “f**k you, you piece of shit.”

“F–k you de Blasio. You piece of garbage,” other protestors shouted at the mayor as he walked down Fifth Avenue in Manhattan. “Get out of here you piece of shit. You’re garbage.”

“I love my New York people. I love my blue. I’m tired of the crime. I’m tired of him dividing people,” one East Villager resident told the New York Post. “He can go to god—n hell.” reports: De Blasio’s icy reception comes amid reports that the unpopular mayor is planning on running for governor of New York.

The New York Times revealed last week:

Mr. de Blasio, who has been a polarizing figure during his two terms in office, has also sounded out trusted former aides about their interest in working on a potential campaign, according to two people who are familiar with those contacts, and has made other overtures to labor leaders about a possible bid. His longtime pollster conducted a private survey to assess Mr. de Blasio’s appeal beyond New York City.

While De Blasio has yet to comment publicly on a possible bid, some Democrats have already poured cold water on his prospects of winning.

“Osama bin Laden is probably more popular in Suffolk County than Bill de Blasio,” Rich Schaffer, chairman of the county’s Democratic committee, remarked the Times. “De Blasio, I would say, would have zero support if not negative out here.”

Additionally, former Rep. Charles B. Rangel (D-NY) of Harlem told the newspaper that he didn’t want to “get involved in anything that would be negative,” he could not conjured up “anything positive” regarding a possible bid by the mayor.

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