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Veteran Dies Of COVID After Hospital Refuses Court Order To Give Him Life-Saving Ivermectin Treatment

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A New York hospital refused a judge’s order to fill a genuine Ivermectin prescription from a primary care doctor and deliver medicine to a 75-year-old veteran patient who was hospitalized for a severe case of COVID. That patient is now dead.

THE BLAZE – A New York man died on Oct. 3, not long after his family requested hospital staff to administer the anti-parasitic drug ivermectin. The hospital refused to give the 75-year-old COVID-positive patient ivermectin despite a court order directing the hospital to give the patient the drug.

Jeremy L. Carter, a Vietnam veteran, tested positive for COVID-19 on Aug. 28 despite being fully vaccinated against the coronavirus.

“Less than a week later, he was admitted to Rochester General Hospital where doctors started COVID-19 treatment which included Remdesivir and Dexamethasone,” WHEC-TV reported, adding that the “treatments did not work and his health continued to deteriorate.” Carter was transferred to the ICU and placed on a ventilator on Sept. 20.

Carter’s daughter – Jill Alvarado – began researching alternative treatments and discovered ivermectin. The medication, discovered in 1975, is used to treat head lice, scabies, and river blindness (onchocerciasis) in humans, and there have been 4 billion doses administered since 1998. The drug – which was originally introduced as a veterinary drug – is not approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to treat or prevent COVID-19.

Alvarado consulted her father’s primary care provider, who wrote him a prescription for ivermectin. However, the Rochester General Hospital refused to administer ivermectin to Carter even though the family said they would sign any waiver relieving the hospital of any liability.

Alvarado sued Rochester Regional Health – the health system that operates the 528-bed hospital – to force the staff to administer ivermectin to her father in dwindling health. The court ruled in Alvarado’s favor, but the hospital refused to administer the drug. Rochester Regional Health filed an appeal on Saturday, Oct. 2, and a hearing was scheduled for the following Monday. Carter died on Sunday.

Attorney Ralph Lorigo – who sued Rochester Regional Health on behalf of Carter – questioned why the medical staff refused to administer a last-ditch treatment, “Every case I have is a person in a hospital dying… what is the harm if a hospital is done with its protocol?”

Lorigo said he had filed dozens of lawsuits against health systems in western New York over the past few months for not permitting patients to take ivermectin.

“Each of those times we were successful and those people went home. In this situation we sued, we got a court order and the hospital refused to administer the Ivermectin,” the attorney said.

This is something that the lawyer, who has sued and seen Ivermectin work when nothing else has, is completely correct about. Why not administer the medicine as a last-ditch effort if the patient wasn’t improving, especially when the family agreed to absolve the hospital of any responsibility? Except for incompetence and bias, it was a genuine prescription from the man’s primary care physician, and there was no cause to deny it.

This is similar to the horror stories that have emerged in recent years from Europe’s socialist authoritarian medical system. It’s hard to believe this could happen in America, but it simply goes to show how skewed even ‘experts’ can be as a result of fake news.

I sincerely hope Alvarado sues this institution since this is a grave injustice.



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