

Here’s An Epic Reminder On How The Mainstream Media Attempted To SMEAR The NY Post For Breaking The Hunter Biden Laptop Story

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We all know how bad the mainstream media in our country is. Last year, we saw it ourselves when the New York Post released their Hunter Biden laptop bombshell in October, just weeks before the election, only to have it utterly rejected by the mainstream media, which was determined to remove President Trump out of the White House.

As previously reported, the laptop has been authenticated as real by a journalist reporting about Joe Biden, according to Politico. Hunter’s email from a Ukrainian businessman thanking him for introducing him to his father, Daddy Joe, was also real. Of course, we all knew that already, and that in and of itself demonstrates how bad the media in this country is.

Drew Holden wrote an incredible Twitter thread today, reminding everyone just how terrible the smear campaign against the NY Post article was.

If you made it to the end, feel free to use this as an open thread.



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