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Desperate Democrat Gov. Gavin Newsom Tells Californians They Will All Die Of Covid If He Is Recalled

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California Gov. Gavin Newsom has warned residents that if he loses the upcoming recall election, millions will die from Covid as a result.

With just over a week to go before the September 14 recall election is held, Gov Newsom’s direct message to voters is: ‘if I am recalled you will all die from COVID, but if you keep me in office I will protect you’.

His message reeks of desperation. He knows he is going to lose.


We can expect the nationally promoted panic around COVID to increase exponentially over the next 10 days, and then lessen significantly immediately following the September 14th recall vote.   It is critical for the effort of Governor Newsom that national fear over COVID is maintained.

(Via Politico) […] “What’s at stake in the September 14 recall? It’s a matter of life and death,” states a new ad against the recall, slamming top GOP candidate Larry Elder for having a “radically different” approach to vaccines than Newsom and for pushing “deadly conspiracy theories” about the virus. Newsom’s team was quick to circulate a CNN interview this week in which Elder suggested children did not need to be vaccinated and downplayed their risk of infection.

The election season messaging might seem counterintuitive given it was anger over pandemic lockdowns that helped make the recall possible. But Democrats far outnumber Republicans in California, which means Newsom need only turn out his base to survive.

Sean Gailmard, a political science professor at the University of California, Berkeley and close observer of the recall, noted a shift in Newsom’s messaging since May when he was riding rollercoasters, giving away checks to the vaccinated like a game-show host and celebrating California’s comeback following a whirlwind winter of curfews and stay-at-home orders.

The mood now is more solemn and, luckily for Newsom, the focus is not on a California-specific problem. (read more)

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